International scholars call for an end to West’s double standards and bullyism at democracy forum in Beijing
Published: Mar 21, 2024 11:51 AM
The Third International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values is held in Beijing on March 20, 2024. Photo: Qian Jiayin/GT

The Third International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values is held in Beijing on March 20, 2024. Photo: Qian Jiayin/GT

International scholars call for an end to double standards and bullyism in global society, emphasizing the need for a more inclusive world order that recognizes the rising power of the Global South, on Wednesday at "The Third International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values" forum held in Beijing. 

China has been emphasizing the need for a more inclusive global society, and the initiatives proposed by China are aimed at reshaping the unequal global architecture that continuously marginalizes the Global South,Anil Sooklal, Ambassador at Large for BRICS and Asia at the Department of International Relations and Cooperation from South Africa, told the Global Times at the forum. 

"Firstly, stop double standards; secondly, stop bullyism," Sooklal said, noting that "we do not want to be directly fitted into a cultural and civilizational model, as we are being indoctrinated now, that Western culture is a superior culture, and our culture and civilization from the Global South are inferior. Because the fact is just the opposite."

It must be recognized that the world has changed, and the Global South has risen and will continue to rise, representing the majority of the world's population. If the West does not want to make room for the emerging new forces, the Global South will demonstrate and lead the design of a new international order, he said.

Alexander Lomanov, Deputy Director for Scientific Work at the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that true equality cannot be achieved if global decisions are made by only a small number of countries pursuing their own interests. 

"In fact, there should not be barriers between the Global South and Global North; there should not be artificial high walls and courtyards. We should strive to ensure global governance so as to achieve a larger courtyard and a larger stage which allow all countries to participate," said Lomanov.

Leela Mani Paudyal, former ambassador of Nepal to China, told the Global Times that conflicts are increasing globally and inequality is worsening due to the Western export of "democracy." "The democracy promoted by the West is based on their value system and should not be imposed on others; they have no right to preach in this regard," Paudyal emphasized.