The good news, however, is that the West might have a deficit of material resources and political will to wage a large-scale ice-breaker race with Moscow and Beijing.
By Andrey Kortunov | 2024/7/26 21:44:52
  • Trade prowess will inevitably accelerate pace of internationalization of yuan

    There are countless examples of countries around the world embracing yuan for trade. China will continue opening up its financial sector. A modern financial system with Chinese characteristics is on the way

    By S.L. Kanthan | 2024/7/25 19:50:37
  • More pressure needed on US to prompt considerations of fairness and justice

    China advocates peace, but peace cannot be achieved through retreat or pleading. Various forms of pressure must also be applied to prompt the US to consider China's calls for fairness and justice more seriously

    By Hu Xijin | 2024/7/25 19:08:48
  • South Korea must restore balanced diplomacy between China and US: Korean scholar

    The trilateral cooperation among China, South Korea and Japan is of great significance in reducing the threat of war in East Asia. But it is difficult to achieve much unless leaders of South Korean and Japan change from pro-US alliance diplomacy to balanced diplomacy.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/25 17:42:25
  • The Beijing Declaration is a milestone for Palestine's new national unity

    This is a milestone in Palestine's journey toward new national unity and another milestone in China's Global Security Initiative to promote world peace.

    By Hu Xijin | 2024/7/25 15:51:52
  • Math Olympiad mirrors US-China talent rivalry

    The mathematical tug-of-war in the recent 2024 IMO mirrors the broader US-China rivalry. American companies leverage global talent to secure top positions in high technology, while China should become a talent magnet, attracting international brains – including overseas Chinese – to fuel its future growth

    By Ding Gang | 2024/7/24 19:17:58
  • High-quality development an advanced concept encompassing several objectives

    Despite efforts to slow it down, I think the prospects are very good. A growth rate of about 5 percent is excellent for an economy which is the largest in the world using purchasing power parity (as used by the World Bank and the IMF). I have learned in investing not to go against the trend and the trend is rising.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/24 18:39:45
  • Washington attempts to spread strategic malice in Asia again

    The US has evil intentions to bolster relations with Asian countries during Blinken's trip, that is, to destroy the original development and cooperation atmosphere in this region in an attempt to make geopolitics become the focus.

    By Su Lun | 2024/7/23 21:32:09
  • When will EU accept the only solution to war is dialogue, not more conflicts?

    The sharp reaction of EU politics to Orban's peace mission raises serious questions about the agenda and interests of the institution and individual countries in relation to the Ukraine crisis.

    By Levente Horvath | 2024/7/23 19:48:54
  • When US cannot compete economically, it moves to military confrontation

    NATO only talks about war and confrontation. NATO is a tool of the US. And the US is seeking to use NATO to bolster its weakened position in the Pacific and to get NATO expanded into the Pacific.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/23 17:30:06
  • Objectivity, credibility key factors for China's role in mediating Palestinian reconciliation talks

    No one expects a breakthrough from one single meeting between Fatah and Hamas. Yet the upcoming talks in Beijing are seen as promising due to favorable conditions, prompting a cautiously optimistic outlook.

    By Niu Xinchun | 2024/7/22 21:57:05
  • Actions speak louder than words as Manila reaches new S.China Sea deal with Beijing

    If the Philippines abuses China's flexibility and patience based on the humanitarian spirit on the Ren'ai Jiao issue regarding the new agreement as an expedient, and then goes back on its word, it will definitely pay a heavier price for its repeated mistakes.

    By Ding Duo | 2024/7/22 21:10:29
  • Highly unlikely for US to aid Philippines if a hot war were to break out in South China Sea: Filipino expert

    The US is trying to use the Philippines to disunify and weaken the unity and solidarity of ASEAN. They are using the Philippines to discredit ASEAN, saying ASEAN is not helpful in the claims of the Philippines over the South China Sea. The US have no good intentions for ASEAN

    By Global Times | 2024/7/22 17:11:05
  • US missile plan in Germany dangerous subservience

    The central problem facing all NATO allies is they must forfeit their sovereignty and subordinate their foreign policy to the security interests of the hegemon. How can peace and democratic sovereignty be defended in Germany, given the US' willingness to put its own allies at such grave risk?

    By Sevim Dagdelen | 2024/7/21 18:53:16
  • Be wary of hawkish rhetoric in Canada to hinder ties with China despite positive signs

    On Saturday, Melanie Joly concluded a three-day trip to China, the first visit by a Canadian foreign minister since 2017. However, while this is a positive signal for the easing of China-Canada relations, the constant hype over recent years by some Canadian politicians about the “China threat” may continue to create obstacles to bilateral relations, which is worth remaining concerned about.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/20 22:34:41
  • No 'overcapacity' in China's new-energy sector as demand outweighs supply

    Opening up to a global market is always a tricky problem. This covers multiple aspects, from commodity trade to foreign investment to financial market reforms and governance. Combining our research paper with future projections, I may conclude: in the long run, there are no visible signs of production overcapacity in the new-energy sector, as demand will far outweigh supply. With the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China can help other developing countries and transform their lives through our own experience in industrialization.

    By Ju Jiandong | 2024/7/20 17:13:22
  • China's approach offers a broader perspective on what human rights can encompass: UN Ambassador

    As the Ambassador and Permanent Observer of the International Youth Organization (OIJ) to the United Nations, H. E. Mr. Daniel del Valle Blanco (Blanco) recently visited China and engaged with China's young generation, which he said shaped his view of China as a nation that fosters a youth-led future. Global Times (GT) reporters Wang Wenwen and Li Meng spoke to Blanco about his trip, as well as his views on human rights.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/20 16:12:36
  • China's efforts to deepen reform comprehensively never stop

    The path China has taken in its reform and opening-up is a path toward Chinese modernization, which is fundamentally different from the traditional Western path to rise.

    By Miao Beilei | 2024/7/19 14:17:47
  • China-Russia joint exercises to maintain peace, stability in Asia-Pacific region

    The Chinese and Russian navies carried out a joint exercise coded "Exercise Joint Sea-2024" at a military port in Zhanjiang in South China's Guangdong Province this week, with the purpose of safeguarding maritime security in this challenging and complicated international situation. The two navies also recently conducted their fourth joint maritime patrol in sea areas of the western and northern parts of the Pacific Ocean.

    By Victor Gao | 2024/7/18 20:56:59
  • By taking sides in major power rivalry, Manila weakens ASEAN's unity, centrality

    In the "ASEAN Perspective on the South China Sea" series, we collect wisdom and insights from former diplomats and scholars from ASEAN member countries. In an interview with Global Times (GT) reporter Su Yaxuan, Hassan Wirajuda (Wirajuda), former foreign minister of Indonesia, said that no country, including China, wants to see an area of potential conflict develop into open conflict, which would ultimately harm all involved, especially since countries in the East Asian region are closely interconnected.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/18 20:47:42
  • Vigilance needed over spillover effects of polarized, extreme US politics

    This year is an election year in the US, and the competition between the Republican and Democratic parties is more intense than ever. A hostile political atmosphere prevails in the US with a rising trend toward election violence. Recently, US President Joe Biden delivered a televised speech, urging to "lower the temperature" in US politics and avoid normalizing election violence. The escalating extremism in US politics has attracted widespread attention from the international community, and it is indeed necessary to continue to observe and accurately assess its international impact.

    By Li Haidong | 2024/7/17 21:10:30
  • US and Europe, not China, are turning inward

    Even the name of China's post-1978 reform and opening-up makes it clear that orientation toward the international economy and support for globalization are central to China's policies. This aligns with both China's national interests and those of the international economy.

    By John Ross | 2024/7/17 21:05:27
  • Understanding truth of China comes from being able to visit the country in person

    Recently, many foreign vloggers and social media influencers have gained a lot of attention by sharing their insights from traveling to China. The China they see differs greatly from the one portrayed in Western media. US artist Danny Casale (Casale) is one of those recent overseas visitors coming to China. In an exclusive interview with the Global Times (GT), Casale shared insights into his travel experiences in China, his perspective on misinformation about China, and how his artistic works promote cultural exchanges between China and the US.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/17 18:53:43
  • Can the US revive 'American Dream'?

    After reading J.D. Vance's Hillbilly Elegy, many Chinese readers are shocked by the depth of poverty in parts of Ohio and Kentucky. These areas were once the heart of the US' industrial might.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/7/17 17:13:44
  • Third plenum to open a new chapter in advancing Chinese modernization

    Since the beginning of reform and opening-up, each of the third plenary sessions of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, also known as the third plenum, has primarily focused on reform, holding special significance in the Party's historical narrative. The third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee kicked off on Monday, with a focus on further comprehensively deepening reform and advancing Chinese modernization. The addition of "advancing Chinese modernization" to the agenda of the third plenum is of great practical and historical significance.

    By Bao Chuanjian | 2024/7/16 18:21:28
  • Imposing tariffs on Chinese new-energy products goes against protecting nature

    The US offensive must be taken for what it is: a means of weakening a serious competitor and it is a paradox. Rémy Herrera (Herrera), a French economist and researcher at the National Center of Scientific Research, spoke to Global Times (GT) reporter Su Yaxuan in an exclusive interview. He pointed out that the US - and subsequently the EU - have stated goals in the fight against climate change and frequently asked China to "take responsibility," but, at the same time, they do not accept real competition and have consequently become protectionists.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/16 17:51:50
  • China's outward mentality, commitments remain robust

    In 1978, China made the decision to open up and turn outward. This has been fundamental to China's extraordinary economic transformation over the last four decades and more. The turn outward, we should remind ourselves, represented a rejection of the "socialism in one country" thinking that had shaped Chinese policy after the 1949 revolution. The new approach was hugely consequential. China came to see itself as an integral part of the global economy, rather than, as before, a part of the socialist bloc, or, more narrowly even, pretty much on its own. China's new approach was to measure itself against the world, and, more crucially, the advanced economies of the US, Europe, and Japan.

    By Martin Jacques | 2024/7/15 20:13:34
  • US quest for hegemony is arrogant, misguided, and self-destructive

    This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO. The Washington Summit Declaration issued at the NATO summit was filled with Cold War mentality and bellicose rhetoric, which will exacerbate the tense situation in the Asia-Pacific region. Global Times (GT) talked to Jeffrey Sachs (Sachs), a professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He explained the risks brought to the world by the continuous expansion of NATO led by the US, as well as why the US demonizes China as a threat.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/15 20:06:35
  • US political violence, polarization form vicious cycle

    As election competition becomes increasingly fierce, the current political polarization in the US has become more worrying for the world. The development of political polarization promotes the emergence of more political violence, and the increase in political violence further leads to the escalation of political polarization.

    By Wang Yong | 2024/7/15 12:42:57
  • Should the US dictate the academic paths of Chinese students?

    Many Chinese students interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) look to the US as their destination for further education. Unfortunately, their plans for a US STEM education are increasingly thwarted – not so much by exorbitant tuition fees, but by the shifting stance of the US' foreign policy.

    By Xin Ping | 2024/7/15 12:15:44
  • China, Brazil representing growing diplomatic role played by Global South

    August 15 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil. In May, the two countries have emerged as key players in global diplomacy by proposing a joint approach to peacefully resolving the crisis in Ukraine. The joint proposal for peace negotiations signifies a major commitment from these Global South powers to seek just and peaceful solutions to international conflicts. This move marks a new era of diplomatic leadership for developing nations, which are becoming increasingly influential in global affairs.

    By Ronnie Lins | 2024/7/14 19:32:35
  • Advancing Chinese modernization and comprehensively deepening reforms complementary

    The Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene the third plenary session of its 20th central committee on Monday in Beijing. The four-day plenum will primarily examine issues related to further comprehensively deepening reform and advancing Chinese modernization. The focus of the third plenary session on "advancing Chinese modernization" reflects the current mission to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese modernization. It also highlights the profound goal of developing China into a great modern socialist country by the middle of the 21st century.

    By Han Qingxiang | 2024/7/14 19:22:39
  • How aggressive, exclusive and outdated NATO differs from defensive, inclusive and timely SCO

    The two summits taking place this month, SCO summit and NATO summit, greatly differ in the issues they tackle, and reveal the widening divide between an isolated West refusing to acknowledge the ascent of a multipolar world, and a rising Global South that is waking up to say no to the Anglo-American hegemon.

    By Laurent Michelon | 2024/7/13 8:54:59
  • The arbitration award has brought chaos to the South China Sea

    The arbitration award will not have any substantive impact on China's legitimate rights to the South China Sea, but it will squeeze the political space for the parties to resolve their disputes through negotiation and consultation.

    By Ding Duo | 2024/7/12 15:25:56
  • FBI director's 'three sins' a microcosm of the US intelligence community

    Recently, a joint investigation team composed of the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center, the National Engineering Laboratory for Computer Virus Prevention Technology and 360 Digital Security Group conducted a panoramic restoration of the smear campaign on China by the US, in which "Volt Typhoon" was labeled as a "Chinese state-sponsored hacker group." Among the details disclosed, FBI Director Christopher Wray and his team frequently appeared and committed at least "three sins" against people in the US and around the world.

    By Wang Qiang | 2024/7/11 22:56:22
  • Orban's 'shuttle diplomacy' taps Europe's potential as a pivotal pillar in a multipolar world

    Soon after Hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU on July 1, Prime Minister Viktor Orban embarked on a round of 'shuttle diplomacy,' visiting Ukraine, Russia, China and the US consecutively, drawing close attention from the international community.

    By Ju Weiwei | 2024/7/11 21:33:55
  • China-Bangladesh cooperation can't be stopped by opposition from hegemonic powers

    At the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Qiang of the State Council, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited China from July 8 to 10. This was her first visit to China after being re-elected.

    By Liu Zongyi | 2024/7/11 21:24:29
  • NATO outdated at 75, peaceful coexistence is not

    The West showed virtually no interest in the recent celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in Beijing. These Five Principles, created by then China's premier Zhou Enlai and Indian leader Jawaharlal Nehru, are enshrined in the Chinese Constitution and aim to promote peaceful, nonviolent relations among nations.

    By Jan Oberg | 2024/7/11 21:12:48
  • Urgent call to clear toxicity of SCS arbitration award

    With the approach of the 8th anniversary of the illegal award on the South China Sea arbitration, some troubling developments have recently emerged in the region. A number of extraterritorial countries have increased their military activities in the South China Sea, and the Philippines has ratcheted up legal motions and maritime actions aimed at solidifying this arbitration award. Certain countries have intensified unilateral actions to consolidate and expand their vested interests.

    By Wu Shicun | 2024/7/10 20:36:26
  • American politicians, don't get too big for your boots

    An article in The New York Times made me think of this saying. The article, entitled "Why America's Adversaries Are Wrong About the Biden-Trump Debate," suggests that America's adversaries, including China, have sized on its leadership crisis. This implies that the Chinese would be pleased with the disorder in the US as it reveals the truth about American democracy and highlights the stability of the Chinese political system.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/7/10 19:43:46
  • 'I can't accept the Philippines is being used by Americans to protect US interests': Philippine scholar

    The escalation of recent tensions between China and the Philippines raises concerns among neighboring countries in the South China Sea. How will the Philippines' provocations, instigated and supported by the US, affect the situation in the South China Sea in the remaining part of 2024? Why do ASEAN countries hope that the situation will be contained?

    By Global Times | 2024/7/10 19:30:29
  • China's 'economic miracle' was forged under conditions of openness

    As part of the Global Times' multimedia project to set the record straight, the opinion page is publishing a series of in-depth interviews and signed articles with economists, experts and scholars from different countries and regions who share their views on the prospects of the Chinese economy and debunk the Western rhetoric. In the eighth article of the series, Global Times (GT) reporter Qian Jiayin talked with Sourabh Gupta (Gupta), a senior fellow at the Washington-based Institute for China-America Studies. Gupta noted that China's "economic miracle" was forged under conditions of openness

    By Global Times | 2024/7/10 19:20:29
  • NATO's core task is to support US' hegemonic ambitions

    The 2024 NATO Summit is set to be held in Washington from Tuesday to Thursday. With NATO's continuous expansion, it is evolving from a regional security alliance into a global organization. What impact does NATO's expansion have on the world? What is the essence of NATO?

    By Global Times | 2024/7/9 19:56:02
  • Bangladesh looks to China as India eyes influence

    The Prime Minister of Bangladesh is visiting China from Monday to Wednesday. Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement talks and 17 MoUs are expected to be featured during the visit. In recent years, Bangladesh's relationship with China has grown significantly, fostering mutual benefits and strategic cooperation.

    By Emdadul Haque | 2024/7/9 18:50:53
  • 'Volt Typhoon' fraud exposes deep-seated flaws in US national security mechanism

    Recently, China conducted an investigation into "Volt Typhoon," a hacker group previously identified by the Five Eyes countries as a "China state-sponsored cyber actor." The investigation revealed that this labeling was actually a disinformation and public opinion manipulation operation orchestrated by US intelligence agencies.

    By Shen Yi | 2024/7/9 18:36:58
  • Why did the Conservative Party suffer a crushing defeat in the UK?

    As predicted by exit polls, the UK general election ended with a devastating defeat for the Conservative Party, with Labour winning a resounding majority in parliament. Since 2010, the Conservative Party has held 10 Downing Street, and this change of power marks the end of an era. The British people have expressed their view toward the development of the country and the future of the nation through an eventful election campaign.

    By Gao Jian | 2024/7/8 20:48:24
  • Labour govt has space to offset opposition, make pragmatic policy

    On Thursday, July 4, the British public voted to impose a historic defeat on the British Conservative Party and elect Keir Starmer's Labour Party in a landslide.

    By James Smith | 2024/7/8 20:43:23
  • China-Bangladesh bonhomie benefits both

    Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is on her China visit from Monday to Wednesday. It is her fifth visit to China as prime minister and some scholars have noticed that visiting China seems to be among the priorities of the PM's diplomatic missions after winning the election.

    By Zhang Xiaoyu | 2024/7/8 20:34:22
  • Despite irritating US, India deepens Russia ties, embraces multipolarity

    When the Russia-Ukraine conflict first began, the US was very hopeful that India's relations with Russia would deteriorate. However, that fantasy has been evaporating in recent times as India continues to strengthen its trade and diplomatic relationship with the world's most-sanctioned country.

    By S.L. Kanthan | 2024/7/8 20:29:38
  • 'Ultimately, US will abandon the Philippines as a broken tool'

    The US can use the Philippines as a blocking mechanism to counter China's activities in the South China Sea. It can also use the Philippines as a base of operations to fall back on, to launch attacks against China, or to project US power.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/7 17:25:25
  • Declining competitiveness, expanding uncertainty add to EU's geo-economic anxiety

    Facing decline and difficulties, some of Europe's political decision-makers have become increasingly anxious about competitiveness, and have therefore launched a new campaign intending to influence the future political ecology and policy agenda of the bloc.

    By Xin Hua | 2024/7/7 17:09:05
  • We need to replace confrontation and conflict with peace: former French prime minister

    “Because of the insecurity of the world, the movement of 'derisking' might continue. One of the important factors we should have in mind is the fact that the political input may create a situation, not only of tension, but of partition of globalization,” former French prime minister Dominique De Villepin told the Global Times at a press conference. We hope to live in a "more stable and secure world," he said.

    By Su Yaxuan and Wang Zixuan | 2024/7/6 22:08:16
  • SCO a model for a just world order

    The participation in the summit of countries that are not yet members of the SCO proves that many countries see the SCO as a guarantee of their sovereignty.

    By Timofei Bordachev | 2024/7/5 17:59:15
  • A clean and upright online environment is the hallmark of China: Global Times editorial

    In this era of interconnectedness, everyone is both a transmitter and a receiver of information and must bear corresponding responsibilities, which means more rational thinking, less emotional venting; more inclusiveness, less stubbornness; more tolerance, less confrontation. By collectively fostering a rational online environment, we can contribute to shaping an open and inclusive national image and to uniting the majority of people and countries worldwide.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/4 20:56:10
  • Deepening ties toward a quasi-alliance with Tokyo puts Manila on a dangerous path

    The US and Japan just intend to use the Philippines as a pawn against China, stirring up regional tensions and even forcing regional countries to take sides through the escalation of incidents.

    By Chen Yang | 2024/7/4 20:41:35
  • US exploits extradition process as a political tool

    The US has repeatedly exploited the extradition process, using national security as a pretext for pursuing political dissidents like #JulianAssange. This is a dangerous trend threatening not only any effective legal measures to limit cross jurisdiction crimes but also basic human rights.

    By Ronny Tong | 2024/7/4 20:31:39
  • SCO strives for stability, peace while NATO a destabilizing factor

    The role of the SCO in solving security problems for our country and our region is obvious and cannot be exaggerated. Unlike the European alliance, the SCO does not enter into open confrontation with anyone and does not provoke anyone into conflicts, says a Tajik general

    By Global Times | 2024/7/4 19:51:12
  • Western perspective on Chinese economy riddled with fantasies, disinformation

    The Chinese conception of socialism in the new era is patient, enduring, pragmatic and effective; understanding the long term without fearing contradictions. Why wouldn't Western progressives want to learn from this Chinese experience?

    By Global Times | 2024/7/3 19:08:23
  • How can they not appreciate the beauty of China?

    If Western politicians and commentators are unwilling or unable to appreciate the truth, goodness and beauty of the East, how can they understand the politics of Eastern civilization?

    By Ding Gang | 2024/7/3 18:55:54
  • SCO a catalyst for inclusive, effective cooperation

    The SCO principles, such as consensus-based decision-making, non-alignment and mutually beneficial cooperation, provide the organization with a number of advantages, which are also its strengths in the current era of global turbulence.

    By Sheradil Baktygulov | 2024/7/3 18:46:29
  • US playing negative role in counter-globalization: expert

    The US is playing a negative role in political counter-globalization, Yan Xuetong, dean of the Institute of International Relations at Tsinghua University and secretary-general of the World Peace Forum, said on Tuesday.

    By Wang Zixuan and Su Yaxuan | 2024/7/3 0:41:08
  • US willing to sacrifice whole Asia-Pacific for own gains

    For the US, the Asia-Pacific region becoming a “powder keg” is the ultimate means of victory. The ruling elite in the US seems to be trapped in an extreme fear of China. For the US, as long as it can defeat China and emerge as the ultimate “winner,” it is willing to risk the destruction of the whole of Asia through war.

    By Zheng Yongnian | 2024/7/2 21:18:45
  • Young Americans are fed up with the idea of military service, question US foreign policy

    If young American adults maintain the belief that America's foreign policy is off track and still committed to hegemony, then they will see no reason to support military adventures here, there and everywhere.

    By Anthony Moretti | 2024/7/2 19:41:01
  • Vast potential for SCO to seek new opportunities

    The crisis in Ukraine, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the aggravation of the threat of international terrorism, have put on the agenda of the SCO the need to move to a new stage of its development. Today the SCO is going through a serious stage of transformation, responding to changes in the global situation.

    By Adil Kaukenov | 2024/7/2 19:09:01
  • China-Solomon Islands ties poised to set example for South-South cooperation

    In defiance of the external disruptions and interference, the China-Solomon partnership will continue to grow and benefit the island country to develop into a country where its people experience joy, peace, progress and prosperity.

    By Chen Hong | 2024/7/2 18:31:20
  • 'Golden rule' of SCO diplomacy is to make all decisions based on consensus: former SCO chief

    One of the first decisions at the upcoming #SCO summit in Astana will be its decision to admit #Belarus as its tenth full member. And discussions are currently ongoing on the draft of the SCO Development Strategy for the next 10 years. The “golden rule” of SCO diplomacy is to make all decisions based on consensus.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/1 18:18:33
  • Gerontocracy dilemma highlights the decline of US hegemony

    The contest between Biden and Trump is not just a battle between two elderly individuals, but it also represents the political dilemma facing the US. The US is in desperate need of a significant political change, and requires more young and promising political figures to emerge and lead the country out of its predicament.

    By Shen Yi | 2024/7/1 17:40:21
  • People will be isolated in future without AI knowledge: Taiwan musician

    If you don't learn how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools or how to communicate with them, you'll be the first person stripped away from the future world, a musician said during a recent interview.

    By Wu Jie | 2024/7/1 6:38:05
  • Blunt knife slicing away at climate change amid new cold war

    The US prioritizing strategic competition with China has led to its commitments on global issues like climate change and cooperation with developing countries, including China, being viewed as secondary objectives or merely serving the "we win, they lose" strategic competition.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/6/30 19:27:04
  • Turbulent world needs more political wisdom from the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

    Today, more than ever, the world needs to promote the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and work together toward building a community with a shared future for mankind.

    By Qian Feng | 2024/6/30 18:47:41
  • Visa-free stays offer opportunity to experience real China, debunk Western misinformation

    China wants more people to come and see the country for themselves and see that people-to-people exchanges are great. China will entice, enthrall and capture the hearts of all.

    By Jerry Grey | 2024/6/30 18:19:04
  • High tariffs won't fix US' structural disorders

    Instead of trying to shift problems from a sick head to a healthy one, the US leaders should meticulously conceptualize and consistently implement a long-term re-industrialization strategy that could once again unite the divided nation around common goals and aspirations.

    By Andrey Kortunov | 2024/6/30 17:48:43
  • Spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence remains fully relevant

    In today's world, the spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is not obsolete, but remains fully relevant. The meaning of the Five Principles is not watered down, but becomes deeper; it is not weakened, but strengthened over time.

    By Giancarlo Elia Valori | 2024/6/29 10:38:29
  • US, friend or foe?

    If history is any guide, it shows that it is time for countries to give up the illusion that they can count on the US to protect their interests. When countries finally realize that the US simply sees them as a tool and another course on the menu, it will be too late and the consequences too great.

    By Yi Fan | 2024/6/29 9:09:08
  • Religious Freedom Report exposes hegemonic logic of US human rights

    The international community is well aware of the hegemonic logic behind the US' human rights narrative. Although the US has repeatedly played the cards of religion and human rights, as the logic of the US' human rights hegemony further unfolds, it will only pull itself down step by step from the altar of "human rights."

    By Meng Qingtao | 2024/6/28 19:10:49
  • Closer co-op between India and China can result in mutual benefits

    It is expected that India under Modi's third term will not be soft and accommodating on China. If China engages with India skillfully, things will improve: Indian scholar

    By Global Times | 2024/6/27 21:02:00
  • Arduous legal battle against NATO for use of depleted uranium ammunition

    Instead of the supposed keeper of peace in the world, NATO became the striking fist of the US, and the best example of this is the illegal aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) in 1999.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/27 19:14:59
  • Protectionist measures are imposed by West to maintain bygone privileges

    The West's protectionism ultimate objective is geopolitics, which has always been bad economics.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/26 19:14:14
  • Painful experience, rational contemplation lead Europe to reflect on 'blindly following the US'

    The EU may face the influence of the "America First" policy again due to the upcoming US election. However, it has realized that only by strengthening its own strength and resolutely safeguarding its own interests can it get out of the vicious cycle of being a cat's paw for the US.

    By Dong Yifan | 2024/6/26 18:55:06
  • China can export education, offer new choice

    The "export" of Chinese education is not about "competing" with Western international schools, it is about providing children in more countries with a new path to change through education, offering new learning methods and a spirit of diligent study.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/6/26 18:47:46
  • Knife attack suspect in Suzhou should be condemned; majority of Chinese people favor friendly China-Japan relations

    While there may be some "anti-Japanese sentiment" on the internet, this does not mean that our society supports taking extreme actions against Japanese people in China. The vast majority of Chinese people not only firmly support upholding the rule of law but also hope for peaceful and friendly relations between China and Japan, strengthening various exchanges and cooperation, and generally welcoming Japanese nationals working, traveling, and living in China. This mainstream attitude is unshakable.

    By Hu Xijin | 2024/6/25 23:52:35
  • Certain kinds of inequality threaten democracy, America: Nobel laureate

    What has worried me most in recent years is the widening democratic gulf between those who do and those who do not have a four-year college degree. There are also widening health gaps between the same two groups, including in life expectancy.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/25 18:39:51
  • Internal division of Quad highlights fragile nature of US mini cliques system

    If a country feels that its national interests are being compromised by US policies, it is likely to push back against such actions. With countering China as their objective, small cliques created by the US are fragile.

    By Wang Wenwen | 2024/6/25 18:23:54
  • EU's choice: curbing climate change or China?

    It poses a simple question for the US and the EU, what matters to them most, countering the threat of climate change, as the US and EU have said many times, or containing China?

    By Martin Jacques | 2024/6/25 15:54:45
  • Business groups advocate for expanding China-Poland trade across various sectors

    As bilateral cooperation between China and Poland gains momentum at the governmental level, there has been a resounding call from the business communities in both nations to escalate and enrich two-way collaboration. This sentiment is particularly pronounced amid Polish President Andrzej Duda's state visit to China, further underscoring the growing eagerness for an enhanced partnership between the two countries.

    By Ma Tong | 2024/6/25 1:13:45
  • Waning influence, hidden benefit explain why US is trapped in endless wars

    The US is not rethinking its war for civilization approach or its deep reliance on forever wars. If anything, it is embracing them: US scholar

    By Global Times | 2024/6/24 15:25:31
  • How far is it from Kiev to Brussels?

    If the interest calculation leading Ukraine's post-war reconstruction cannot meet the EU's expectations, or potentially become a bottomless pit dragging down the EU economy, the EU's political enthusiasm for admitting Ukraine into the EU will likely diminish significantly.

    By Cui Hongjian | 2024/6/24 15:18:06
  • US profits from confrontations it provokes in Ukraine, South China Sea: Mahathir

    The US seems to like provoking confrontation between nations to the point of causing them to go to war against each other, as happened between Ukraine and Russia. I don't think the Philippines wants to go and fight China. If it does, what happened to Ukraine will happen to the Philippines.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/23 18:33:38
  • Justice and diplomacy join forces to defend national unity

    On Friday, China's justice and diplomatic government bodies simultaneously released a strong signal to uphold national unity. The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued guidelines on imposing criminal punishments on diehard "Taiwan independence" separatists for conducting or inciting secession.

    By Bei Pingfeng | 2024/6/22 21:31:18
  • See the real China beyond Westernized misconceptions

    China still amazes us each time we visit! Starting from 1987, studying Chinese at Beijing University, I thought I'd seen enough phenomenal changes. I later worked as an English-language expert in Beijing, last in 2009 at Foreign Language Press. The surprises do not cease. Growing up since age two in Toronto, Canada, then living in Beijing, and in Sri Lanka with my husband, I had grown more familiar with places other than my ancestral home in Kaiping, Guangdong Province. I was truly overcome by the breathtaking changes when I visited family villages this year.

    By May Yee | 2024/6/22 16:08:44
  • Punishing 'Taiwan independence' diehards: Sword of rule of law defends national unity

    This is a milestone in the development of China's rule of law, a severe crackdown on criminal acts that split the country and incite separatism, and a powerful safeguard of peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits.

    By Bei Pingfeng | 2024/6/21 22:51:54
  • Glaser exposes US' 'grey policy supply chain'

    In recent years, the US has colluded with the "Taiwan independence" forces and has intensively developed a set of new rhetoric that distorts the one-China principle.

    By Hu Jinyang | 2024/6/21 21:52:15
  • Washington cannot stop the continued advancement of Russia-Vietnam cooperation

    Strengthening and developing relations with Russia is a natural step in Vietnam's pursuit of multilateral and diversified diplomacy, and it is a sovereign right of Vietnam that should not be interfered with by the US or any other country.

    By Yang Danzhi | 2024/6/21 19:58:46
  • Britain's 'China threat' theory methods are stuck in the Victorian era

    It's important to recognize that some in the UK are amplifying the "China threat" theory for their own political gain. However, their methods are outdated and out of touch.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/6/19 18:39:58
  • Why did latest US statement remove the reference to the illegally grounded warship at Ren'ai Jiao as the Philippines' 'longstanding outpost'?

    On March 5, 2024, after the US State Department issued a statement regarding China's Ren'ai Jiao (also known as Ren'ai Reef) in the South China Sea, I pointed out that the sudden addition in the previous statements, which recognized the Philippines' illegally "grounded" warship at Ren'ai Jiao as a "longstanding outpost," is a significant symbol showing that the US is supporting the militarization of the South China Sea and undermining the current peaceful situation in the region, as disclosed by an investigative piece by the Global Times.

    By Yang Xiao | 2024/6/18 23:59:40
  • Spy paranoia has gone to Britain's head – now it is afraid of cap badges

    Perhaps any diplomat or politician in London shaking hands with their Chinese counterparts would like to sanitize their hand afterward, for fear of being contaminated with something like a Chinese spy virus. And, of course, they'd have to make sure the sanitizer wasn't made in China.

    By Mark Blacklock | 2024/6/18 17:05:10
  • Young Americans, come experience the true and diverse China

    People-to-people exchanges between China and the US have a long history. Every important moment in China-US relations cannot be separated from the mutual efforts of the two peoples.

    By Qian Jiayin | 2024/6/17 16:41:10
  • Dark side of fandom: Extreme fan culture threatens Chinese sports

    As China's sports industry continues to thrive, an increasing number of sports and athletes are gaining significant attention and admiration. However, a troubling phenomenon has emerged: fan culture, a subculture originating from the entertainment industry and driven by idol economics, has begun to invade the sports domain, leading to irrational and disruptive behavior.

    By Lu Wenao | 2024/6/17 3:14:13
  • The solution to Russia-Ukraine conflict is inclusive talks, not exclusive and unfair ones

    It's obvious that only inclusive and fair talks can lead to Russia-Ukraine peace, not exclusive and unfair ones or so-called military solutions.

    By Andrew Korybko | 2024/6/16 18:18:26
  • New Zealand prides itself on independent diplomacy, continues to extend hand of friendship to China

    Chinese Premiere Li Qiang paid a visit to New Zealand from June 13-15. This year also marks the 10th anniversary of Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to New Zealand and the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and New Zealand. What experience can other developed countries draw from China-New Zealand cooperation? Chris Lipscombe (Lipscombe) , president of the New Zealand China Friendship Society shared his views with Global Times (GT) reporter Wang Zixuan, stressing that China is not a threat and New Zealand will continue to extend the hand of friendship to China.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/15 17:39:23
  • A European understanding of China?

    The mechanisms which contribute to form a hypothetical public opinion in Europe are multiple and complex, influenced and often determined by the wide diversity of social and cultural approaches, and often also by the multilingualism that distinguishes the different Countries, sometimes even operating within some of them.

    By Michele Genovese | 2024/6/14 21:30:30
  • China has entered a new age, one which its people have long deserved and been longing for

    Almost 75 years ago, "The Chinese people have stood up!" - Mao Zedong purportedly proclaimed on October 1, 1949, in Beijing, as he announced the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Following a horrific civil war, the violent trauma of Japanese aggression and a century of humiliation from Western powers, the people of China looked forward to a new beginning. Their country was impoverished, a peasant nation where the average annual earnings constituted a mere 49.7 yuan ($6.85), and the average life expectancy was just 35 years old in 1949.

    By James Smith | 2024/6/14 20:06:17
  • Australian policymakers could take a more independent foreign policy stance

    Despite starting from a low base, the relationship between China and Australia has improved significantly, said Mark Beeson (Beeson), an adjunct professor at the Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney, in an interview with Global Times (GT) reporters Xia Wenxin and Xing Xiaojing. Beeson also pointed out the great impact China-US relations has on the relationship between Beijing and Canberra, urging the Australian government to take a more independent approach in terms of foreign policy.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/14 18:40:41
  • Deciphering China's production capacity with 'one-yuan' lighters

    With global sales of 20 billion lighters per year, about 70 percent originate from a county-level city in the middle of China. How did this city achieve this?

    By Ren Ping | 2024/6/13 23:15:09
  • Why has the US' ability to control declined significantly?

    The world situation today is full of uncertainties. One of the fundamental reasons for this is that the US, as the world's "hegemonic" country, is declining in terms of its ability to control internal and external situations. A clear example is the Joe Biden administration's repeated lobbying and warnings having failed to get Israel to stop its military offensives in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

    By Huang Jing | 2024/6/13 22:05:09
  • Chinese new energy production capability responds to existing and future projected demand: Pakistani economist

    The world needs both China and the US to work together and collaborate, rather than get into confrontations.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/13 22:02:21
  • China's huge investment in new industries ensures continuing economic advantage

    The pattern of world economic development since the beginning of 2024 is clear. International organizations have been consistently revising upward estimates of China's 2024 GDP growth to match the Chinese government's forecast of around 5 percent, with the IMF and Goldman Sachs being the latest to do so. Simultaneously, the US economy has drastically decelerated, while the Eurozone is growing at a stagnant rate.

    By John Ross | 2024/6/12 20:00:53
  • Europe's challenge: How to maintain a gentleman's elegance

    In the European Parliament elections that concluded on Sunday, far-right parties in major countries such as France, Germany and Italy performed strongly and gained significant seats.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/6/12 19:48:31
  • China's remarkable achievements over the last 75 years belong to the world

    In 1949, China was one of the world's poorest countries. But as the country marks 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China this year, the Eastern nation has already become the world's second-largest economy.

    By Joyce Chimbi | 2024/6/12 19:38:52
  • China realizes unprecedented development by prioritizing its people

    Discussing China's achievements over the 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic could be the subject of a very long book and is understood in different ways by different generations of people. I've always believed the best way to know how people in China think, is to ask them.

    By Jerry Grey | 2024/6/11 22:38:58
  • Structural contradictions bind US-France ties

    US President Joe Biden made his first state visit to France from June 5 to 9. Under the Donald Trump administration, the US and France had various disagreements on issues such as digital and aviation trade, climate change and the Iran nuclear agreement, causing bilateral relations to hit rock bottom. Former French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian once described that the US-France relationship faced a "crisis of trust" after the announcement of AUKUS in 2021 made Paris lose its submarine deal with Canberra.

    By Ji Haonan | 2024/6/11 22:06:39
  • How Glaser misinterprets UNGA Resolution 2758

    Recently, the US has repeatedly distorted United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 2758, with a clear and complete chain of collaboration among official, academic and media behind it. One key link in this chain is the report "Why UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 Does Not Establish Beijing's 'One China' Principle: A Legal Perspective." Bonnie Glaser, an American scholar on China issues and managing director of the German Marshall Fund's Indo-Pacific Program, is one of the authors.

    By Liu Kuangyu | 2024/6/11 0:21:35
  • China makes efforts to bring prosperity to the world alongside domestic growth

    Gaokao, the national college entrance examinations, completely ended on Monday across the country. In Beijing, the essay topic for the English test of this year's gaokao focuses on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Chinese middle school student Li Hua is asked to offer some suggestions to his foreign friend Jim, who wants to write a piece on this subject. To help enlighten Jim as well as those who are interested in China's development, we invited several foreign experts and observers to share their insights on China's great achievements in various spheres over the past seven and half decades.

    By Anthony Moretti | 2024/6/10 19:26:21
  • Israel's hostage rescue operation 'hardly a sign of success'

    The death toll from an Israeli raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp has risen to 274 Palestinians and injured more than 400, Gaza's health officials said Sunday. On Saturday, the Israeli military launched a raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, rescuing four hostages from two apartment buildings in the camp. Israel's actions have drawn condemnation from multiple parties, with even some US media outlets pointing up the death toll Gaza has suffered as a result of Israel's military operations.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/9 22:40:40
  • Manila's latest statement on accessing China's Ren'ai Jiao absurd, exposing its lack of credibility

    Recently, the Philippines has been taking increasingly provocative actions in the South China Sea, including breaking its own promises. The Philippines' National Security Adviser, Eduardo Ano, said in a statement on Saturday that the Philippines "do not and will never need China's approval for any of our activities therein," referring to access to China's Ren'ai Jiao (also known as Ren'ai Reef). Experts believe that this statement represents a clear provocation and reveals a lack of credibility on the part of the Philippine government, and its series of actions are to serve the purpose of militarizing the South China Sea.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/9 19:06:33
  • Manila smears China to act as a victim in South China Sea

    Just a few days after Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. declared that Manila is "trying all mechanisms" to ensure peace and stability in the South China Sea, another farce has been played by the Philippines in an attempt to provoke China and intensify tensions in this region.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/8 22:16:12
  • China has shown its resolve, sincerity; the ball is in EU's court to avoid bruising trade row

    Latest news reports from Western media suggest that the European Commission has put on hold the announcement of its decision on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) for a few more days. The main executive body of the EU was reportedly expected to announce potential tariffs on Chinese EVs by Wednesday, but that did not happen despite days of media speculation and build-up. Though the commission is still expected to make public its findings from the probe and potential moves reportedly on June 10, the postponement offers just a few days to reflect on where things stand and the profound implications.

    By Wang Cong | 2024/6/8 17:37:14
  • Australia, China should accelerate economic synergy: says Aussie analyst

    China and Australia do not only need to stabilize the political environment, but also need to develop greater understanding of what are the legitimate interests of both countries in terms of the political environment: Australian expert

    By Global Times | 2024/6/8 14:06:13
  • China and debt-trap diplomacy

    Over the last decade, China has played an increasingly important role in providing loans to countries across the globe - but especially in the Global South, which, in conjunction with its Belt and Road Initiative (B&R.I.), is tied in to infrastructural development. It has however been accused of practising "debt-trap diplomacy".

    By Guyana Times | 2024/6/7 22:35:06
  • VOA's hype on 'China-Australia competition over Solomon Islands' a gimmick in Washington's trouble-provoking playbook

    Several US government mouthpieces have been proactively helping their master is seeking to gain benefit from regional chaos and even conflict. The latest example is how the Voice of America is hyping the so-called China-Australia competition over the Solomon Islands to deliberately stir up trouble after Chinese and Australian high-ranking officials' recent visit to the South Pacific country.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/7 21:55:59
  • West's smears on China-Russia cooperation in Arctic myopic, unwise: Russian minister

    The 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) is taking place from June 5 to 8 in St. Petersburg, the second-largest city in Russia, with a particular focus on China-Russia cooperation. During this year's event, reporter Xia Wenxin, representing the Global Times (GT) which is a 2024 SPIEF's media partner, sat down for a conversation with Aleksey Chekunkov (Chekunkov), the Minister of the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, discussing the future development of Russia's Far East region, China's role in it as well as the West's attacks on the two countries' cooperation in the Arctic.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/7 19:37:10
  • Can New Delhi bring troubled South Asia cooperation back to life?

    For many, SAARC has long been a failed and brain-dead cause. To a large extent, the redemption of SAARC now depends on the strong desires of the new governments in South Asia. But the most crucial ingredient in rebooting the regional cooperation is in the hands of New Delhi.

    By Huang Yunsong and Niraj Lawoju | 2024/6/6 16:13:09
  • India to interact more with China, US as Modi wins

    How the US balances ideological differences with India and utilizes India as a vanguard against China will, to some extent, determine the direction of India-China relations.

    By Xie Chao | 2024/6/6 16:08:38
  • Other ASEAN members do not find the path undertaken by the Philippines appealing

    ASEAN's inclusivity, the "ASEAN way" of doing things, its propensity to engage with different actors, to look for common areas of cooperation rather than magnify areas of difference, have served the region well.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/6 15:49:46
  • The only way US can 'win' in space is to cooperate with China

    We must allow the entirety of humanity to develop economically and technologically. The only way the US can "win" in space is by cooperating with China.

    By Keith Lamb | 2024/6/5 21:58:27
  • China's lunar leap and US' cycle of anxiety

    Just as the name of Chang'e stems from the graceful moon goddess in ancient Chinese mythology, it's not about threats but about humanity's curiosity and yearning for the unknown.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/6/5 21:02:20
  • Smearing China driven by US worrying about loss of market control

    There's a big misconception in the minds of Americans, they've been taught to think about enemies, and they've been taught to think about races and winning all the time.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/5 20:05:23
  • Philippine provocation in South China Sea: A significant move with wartime implications

    The Philippine action of aiming guns at the CCG during this incident is a significant move with clear wartime implications.

    By Yang Xiao | 2024/6/5 16:53:58
  • US cannot avoid reality of world diversity

    Even if the US insists on exclusively leading the establishment of a new world order, the fundamental reality of world diversity can never be avoided.

    By Jin Kai | 2024/6/4 18:55:15
  • Squad another example of Washington rallying allies to undermine peace in Asia-Pacific

    Squad's actions in the areas around China are likely to become more provocative, increasing the risk of military friction between the four countries – the US, Australia, Philippines and Japan – and China and seriously undermining regional peace and stability.

    By Sun Xihui | 2024/6/3 18:52:52
  • China, US show two completely different visions of global security

    The starkly different global security views between China and the US make it clear which one aligns with the fundamental interests and reasonable security concerns of most countries and is conducive to regional and global peace and stability. The answer is obvious.

    By He Lei | 2024/6/3 18:13:00
  • Chinese, Arab strategic interests and worldviews are rapidly converging

    The current China-Arab relations are the deepest, the most strategic, the most advanced and the most promising in their entire history.

    By Ebrahim Hashem | 2024/6/3 14:19:15
  • Palestine's full UN membership imperative for lasting peace in Middle East

    The raging Gaza conflict only lends new relevance and urgency to the legal status of Palestine. As some still argue that it is not the time to recognize Palestinian statehood, we have to ask the question, if not now, when?

    By Yi Xin | 2024/6/3 14:11:48
  • Push for 'Economic NATO' faces challenges amid declining power and prestige of West

    With the rise of China's economic influence, G7 is hoping to create a coterie of containing China with the emergence of the concept of an "economic NATO." Yet, currently, there is a gap between the bloc's expectations and the reality.

    By He Zhigao | 2024/6/2 20:30:02
  • Biden's tariffs to backfire on US consumers

    Biden's tariffs and rhetoric in support of them are racist and fit into the tired old mold that characterizes China as “cheating” and a uniquely untrustworthy entity.

    By Elias Cepeda | 2024/6/2 20:03:20
  • Be wary of Washington setting trap in Asia

    We must not allow external forces such as the US to set the similar trap in Asia to the one it sets in Ukraine, nor should we fall into the trap ourselves.

    By Hu Xijin | 2024/6/2 19:51:05
  • Who is 'illegal, coercive, aggressive, deceptive' in the South China Sea?

    The Philippines is feigning innocent, playing the role of a victim, expressing grievances, and making an appeal for peace – all of these craft an image of vulnerability seeking justice. Is that so? What if you are told that China has never used real force against the Philippines, but the Philippine coastguard has used force to kill innocent Chinese fishermen?

    By Li Aixin in Singapore | 2024/6/1 15:10:31
  • US has no locus standi in meddling in South China Sea affairs

    Any misjudgment or mishandling of the military stand-off on the high seas would invariably flare up the conflict, leaving the regional peace and partnership in tatters.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/31 20:11:49
  • China is expected to play the role of peace builder on Palestine issue

    The China-Arab cooperation has been expanding to more comprehensive areas and is expected to play an active role in regional and global governance with key focus on the ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/30 21:14:54
  • China-Arab forum highlights willingness to consolidate bilateral ties

    The 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum being held this week in Beijing is particularly important this year. The delivery of a speech at the inauguration by President Xi Jinping and the participation of four invited Arab heads of state illustrate the importance of this meeting for two reasons.

    By Yahia H. Zoubir | 2024/5/30 19:09:02
  • 'AUKUS does not increase Australia's security'

    The AUKUS agreement between Australia, the UK and the US, announced in September 2021 by the leaders of the three nations, has raised questions about the negative impact the pact has on Australia, and the health risks it poses.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/30 16:43:40
  • Why the Chinese market is becoming increasingly attractive to the British business community

    The past year has witnessed a gradual increase of trade and investment by British enterprises with China.

    By Yi Chuyun | 2024/5/29 20:39:58
  • China-Japan-South Korea leaders' meeting brings huge impetus to future economic and trade cooperation

    On Monday, the China-Japan-South Korea leaders' meeting resumed in Seoul, South Korea, four and a half years since the last meeting, bringing huge impetus to future economic and trade cooperation among the three countries.

    By Masami Miyashita | 2024/5/29 20:00:13
  • China is right at the forefront; the West no longer holds the reins

    As the Chinese economy, along with the entire global economy, faces considerable challenges in recent years, some Western officials and media outlets have stepped up their long-standing smear campaign against the world's second-largest economy.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/29 19:01:41
  • Why is US building EV chargers at a snail's pace?

    Over the past few days, electric vehicle charging stations in the US have become a big joke on American social media.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/5/29 18:49:07
  • China-UK green cooperation: a promising future

    As major economies, China and the UK have significant influence in promoting green transition.

    By Ou Fei | 2024/5/29 17:23:58
  • Irony of West Point's commencement speech

    There is often an irony about the annual commencement exercises at the United States Military Academy. When they occur, as they did this year on the last Saturday of May, they fall two days before Americans commemorate Memorial Day, a day to honor the men and women who died serving their country as members of the armed forces.

    By Anthony Moretti | 2024/5/28 22:37:37
  • Seoul summit offers valuable momentum for China-Japan-S.Korea cooperation

    The ninth Trilateral Summit Meeting among China, Japan and South Korea was held in Seoul from Sunday to Monday. In an interview with Global Times (GT) reporters, Moon Chung-in (Moon), James Laney Distinguished Professor of Yonsei University and Former Special Advisor to President Moon Jae-in for National Security and Foreign Policy, analyzed the outcomes of the summit and the current regional situation.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/28 17:38:25
  • Draconian anti-vagrancy laws exacerbate homelessness problem in US

    As the global community grapples with human rights issues, the treatment of unhoused individuals in the US raises significant concerns. An increasing number of homeless people are losing access to outdoor spaces as states and municipalities enact anti-vagrancy laws aimed at clearing out homeless populations. This punitive approach exacerbates the hardships faced by those already struggling, highlighting a severe lack of emphasis on human rights.

    By Bradley Blankenship | 2024/5/28 17:13:08
  • Sanctions lay bare fragility of Western-centered financial system

    Russian President Vladimir Putin just visited China two weeks ago, his first overseas trip since his inauguration earlier this month. How can China-Russia ties develop so rapidly? What is the significance of pursuing a closer relationship between the two countries? How does Moscow see Beijing's role in promoting peace talks in the Ukraine crisis?

    By Global Times | 2024/5/27 20:01:59
  • India should reflect on China policy to boost people-to-people exchanges

    One hundred years ago, celebrities in the Chinese cultural community invited Tagore, the famous Indian poet and writer, to visit China, which was a significant event in the cultural circles of both China and India.

    By Liu Zongyi | 2024/5/27 17:57:38
  • Four years since George Floyd tragedy, police brutality in US continues unchecked

    When a group of Minneapolis police officers tried to arrest George Floyd - a petty criminal who turned out to be overdosing on fentanyl - for passing a fake $20 bill on May 25, 2020, they had no idea they would set the US on fire.

    By Nebojsa Malic | 2024/5/26 19:12:48
  • China, Japan and S.Korea should meet, exchange and cooperate more frequently

    The ninth China-Japan-ROK trilateral summit meeting will be held in Seoul on Sunday and Monday. Woo Su-keun (Woo), head of the Institute of East Asian Studies of Korea and president of the Korea-China Global Association, stated that China is South Korea's closest neighbor with the world's largest market.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/26 18:52:46
  • Manila is turning itself into a regional risk factor

    The Philippines has built a coastguard station located on its northern islands near the Taiwan island, boosting its capacity to monitor an area where China has "built up its military presence," Philippines National Security Adviser Eduardo Ano said on Friday. Manila is gradually pushing toward Beijing's red line, abandoning regional peace and stability, and turning itself into a controlled regional risk factor.

    By Su Yaxuan | 2024/5/25 21:34:01
  • 'Common understandings' between China and Brazil embody positive energy of political settlement of Ukraine crisis

    The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been ongoing for two years and three months, leading to huge losses and casualties to both sides of the conflict, forcing European society to face multiple crises such as energy shortages, high inflation, refugee influx, and disruptions in the industrial supply chain, with spillover effects on international politics, economy, and security.

    By Zhao Junjie | 2024/5/25 21:22:49
  • US high-handed interference has only widened cracks with African countries

    As the US continues to mishandle matters important to the global community, there is a shift in perspectives and a readiness for African countries to re-evaluate their bilateral and multilateral ties.

    By Joyce Chimbi | 2024/5/24 14:36:10
  • Reinstating the “China Initiative” in Congress reflects US worsening McCarthyism and racism

    US House committee of the judiciary on Wednesday pass an act that is seen as the reinstate of the “China Initiative.” Chinese experts said the act reflected the fact that US is witnessing reincarnated and worsening McCarthyism; and the country's deep-rooted racism. This toxic trend will only backfire the US itself, observers said.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/5/24 1:07:13
  • ROK diplomacy likely to show technical flexibility

    During Yoon's future tenure, the priority is to prevent the deterioration of China-South Korea relations rather than immediately seeking to boost them.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/23 19:37:14
  • Japan and S.Korea should cherish China-Japan-ROK cooperation, reflect on policies toward China

    It is precisely because of the negative policies of Japan and South Korea toward China that the trilateral cooperation has been in a standstill. The key lies in whether Japan and South Korea can meet halfway with China and core interests, and create a favorable atmosphere for the resumption of the trilateral meeting.

    By Chen Yang | 2024/5/23 18:56:03
  • The infected blood scandal shows institutionally Britain is a failing state

    Taken as a whole with other scandals, what the infected blood scandal exposes, almost by a process of gradual erosion, is that institutionally Britain is a basket case, run by people who operate the levers of power in their own interests, and do not serve the interests of the people.

    By Mark Blacklock | 2024/5/23 17:32:35
  • China is not a threat to the US, but to US hegemony: US scholar Jeffrey Sachs

    China is not a threat to the US itself, but rather a threat to US hegemony, US scholar Jeffrey Sachs said in a recent interview with Chinese media. He described the US' reaction to China's rise as "neurotic."

    By Global Times | 2024/5/22 23:02:52
  • Balance welfare and work key to competitiveness

    While Europe's social systems have provided living guarantees for their citizens, it has also made people less motivated to actively seek employment. The notion of "working hard to become prosperous" is deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/5/22 18:56:12
  • Future of China-US ties lies in effective management of common interests and differences

    Differences between China and the US will always exist, so the two countries should seek common ground in major aspects and allow differences to exist in other aspects. China has always hoped that China and the US can be partners, committed to building a stable, healthy and sustainable relationship.

    By He Lei | 2024/5/22 18:01:34
  • China's high-quality development has proven to be an anchor of stability

    The undeniable magnitude of the Chinese economic miracle in reality worries some of the establishments of the West. They feel that they have to blacken the image of China. In reality, there is zero chance that China can be defeated by this “China collapse” theory.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/22 17:47:27
  • Lai Ching-te assumes office with ignorance, arrogance and recklessness

    I especially hope that the people in Taiwan will open their eyes and not be manipulated by the Lai authorities on their dangerous path. For the sake of peace, the people in Taiwan need to cooperate with the mainland to set rules for Lai.

    By Hu Xijin | 2024/5/22 17:18:53
  • Lai Ching-te's rampant 'Taiwan independence' remarks will be met with severe countermeasures

    In response to Lai's rampant "Taiwan independence" provocations in his inauguration speech, the mainland's countermeasures will undoubtedly be more severe. The mainland's countermeasures will be intended to send a clear signal: Any dangerous and provocative behavior will pay a heavy price, and the mainland's countermeasures will definitely make the "Taiwan independence" forces feel real "pain."

    By Bei Pingfeng | 2024/5/22 9:23:00
  • Foe countries may take advantage of sensitive moment to impose pressure on Iran

    Raisi's death itself will not have a significant impact on Iranian diplomacy. However, the indirect impact should not be overlooked. The US, Israel, and even European countries, may adopt new strategies in their policies toward Iran

    By Yue Hanjing | 2024/5/21 17:50:03
  • China-Russia coordination more valuable amid noise

    No matter how the West tries to sow discord, it will not change the overall trend of a stable and healthy development of China-Russia relations. China and Russia are both well aware of the Western agenda to sow discord between them and are increasingly reluctant to respond.

    By Cui Heng | 2024/5/21 17:39:15
  • We are seeing a rise in anti-imperialist consciousness

    The US is just a global machine, a global police force that is consistently hounding and brutalizing and bombing and slaughtering civilians. We are seeing a rise in anti-imperialist consciousness, said two US student protestors.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/20 17:41:03
  • What impacts are brought by Iranian President Raisi's death in helicopter crash?

    Iran continues to lose political and military leaders in abnormal circumstances, with some Western media outlets gloating about its misfortune.

    By Hu Xijin | 2024/5/20 16:49:54
  • When will US learn abusing tariffs will not work?

    The Biden administration now certainly loves issuing more and more tariffs and economic sanctions against China. When will Washington accept that in order to show fidelity with what it stands for, it must throw the idea of tariffs and economic sanctions in the trash?

    By Anthony Moretti | 2024/5/19 19:23:32
  • US 'human rights diplomacy' only defined by oligarchs, lobbies

    The US government, along with the elite in the country, has used its own actions to teach a lesson to all individuals around the world who have illusions about US “human rights diplomacy,” including those college students at home. The true meaning of “human rights diplomacy” is to use “human rights” and “humanitarianism” as a tool of US diplomacy.

    By Shen Yi | 2024/5/19 19:03:04
  • US should embrace competition, not contain China, in electric vehicle development

    In terms of electric vehicle development, the US should compete with, not contain China. Overall, putting tariffs and preventing US consumers from gaining access to Chinese EVs is not going to do anything for a competitive position.

    By Peter Walker | 2024/5/18 12:46:58
  • NATO's path to 'peace' is the road to war

    NATO's single, relentless strategy to just keep fighting, guarantees only enduring misery. Its path to so-called peace could lead us all on a journey to war.

    By Mark Blacklock | 2024/5/17 18:19:15
  • American youth no longer buy into US capitalist ideology

    American exceptionalism and the myth that capitalism is just and will provide for the majority of people can simply no longer stand up to the facts on the ground for American students, both here and abroad. With American hegemony clearly no longer possible, the young people of this generation are rejecting the idea that we should dominate the world. They want to save it by living among our neighbors in peace.

    By Elias Cepeda | 2024/5/16 21:18:32
  • China-Singapore ties eye a new level under PM Wong

    Singapore's Lawrence Wong was sworn in as prime minister on Wednesday, succeeding Lee Hsien Loong. It is generally believed that the new government under Wong will maintain the continuity and stability of Singapore's domestic and foreign affairs.

    By Ma Bo | 2024/5/16 21:14:12
  • Biden's tariffs a gamble for US economy

    US President Joe Biden's announcement to slap major new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, advanced batteries, solar cells, steel, aluminum and medical equipment on Tuesday has clear election considerations.

    By Ding Gang | 2024/5/15 21:53:57
  • Can America still be called the land of the free?

    "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." This powerful slogan which captures the aspiration for the freedom of Palestine extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, is resonating with student protesters across the US who are urging for an end to the violence in Gaza.

    By Xin Ping | 2024/5/14 19:18:33
  • What signal does the first China-Mongolia joint army training send?

    The China-Mongolia "Steppe Partner-2024" joint army training kicked off on Sunday in the Dornogovi Province of Mongolia. This is the first joint training between the two armies, with the Chinese side sending battalion-sized troops with various types of weapons and wheeled equipment to participate in the training. What signal does "Steppe Partner-2024" send?

    By Li Chao | 2024/5/13 21:07:25
  • Leaders' Meeting to open a new chapter in E.Asia

    A South Korean Foreign Ministry official recently revealed that the ninth China-Japan-ROK Leaders' Meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in Seoul from May 26 to 27. Foreign Minister of the ROK Cho Tae-yul is paying a visit in China from May 13 to 14. South Korea, as the host country, is clearly eager to use the summit to urgently adjust its relations with China.

    By Da Zhigang | 2024/5/13 20:53:19
  • Certain US politicians see 'Taiwan independence' as a fat money-making opportunity

    The tactic of using the power of money to promote "Taiwan independence" is a common strategy employed by some forces in the international community. Certain members of the US Congress do not have the courage to openly support "Taiwan independence" and risk crossing China's red line. However, they have no qualms about leveraging the Taiwan question for personal gains. They have transformed the concept of "Taiwan independence" into a lucrative business opportunity, with American taxpayers being the unwitting victims.

    By Shen Yi | 2024/5/12 20:12:08
  • S. Korea needed by the West to foot the bill, not participate in decision-making

    Recently, there has been a lively debate in South Korea about the success or failure of its foreign policy. The warming relations between the US and Japan have raised concerns in South Korea about the possibility of being marginalized, and not being invited to the G7 summit has made it feel embarrassed. In fact, South Korea should have long recognized that what the West, particularly the US, needs from South Korea is for them to foot the bill, not participate in decision-making. It is now time for South Korea to promptly adjust its imbalanced foreign policy.

    By Zhan Debin | 2024/5/12 19:51:01
  • 'Overcapacity' hype akin to a fellow sprinter asking Bolt to run less fast: French entrepreneur

    What I like about China, and the key behind its success, is precisely that it doesn't work according to US logic.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/12 15:45:44
  • Is UK blaming China for a cyberattack that never took place?

    Western journalists and politicians are like hungry piranha which churn up the water in a feeding frenzy whenever a China-critical story emerges. Unfortunately, this time the story had more holes in it than a fishing net.

    By Mark Blacklock | 2024/5/11 11:45:18
  • Climate governance cannot succeed without China-US cooperation

    Both China and the US show a positive attitude toward climate dialogue, which not only sends a positive signal for China-US climate diplomacy and bilateral relations but it also has a positive impact on global climate governance.

    By Liu Yuanling | 2024/5/9 20:25:20
  • BRI cooperation leads a golden period of China-Hungary ties: Chinese Ambassador

    China and Hungary always respect each other's independently chosen development paths and domestic and foreign policies, firmly supporting enhanced connectivity. The two countries firmly oppose decoupling and bloc confrontation.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/9 20:08:04
  • Expectations for China-Hungary relations remain high

    We have learned from history that bloc-formation is not a good direction, but rather connectivity and peaceful cooperation based on mutual respect and mutual benefits can support the peaceful coexistence and development of countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/9 18:58:20
  • Solomon Islands election results signal move away from geopolitical strife, offering new paths for societal development: analysts

    At the beginning of this month, the Solomon Islands, a Pacific island nation, announced the notable results of their recent elections. Jeremiah Manele, from OUR Party and the former Foreign Minister under the Sogavare government, was elected as Prime Minister.

    By Shan Jie | 2024/5/8 22:35:24
  • China a model for all countries not satisfied with 'one model fits all' solutions: Serbian scholar

    A developing China can bring more not only to Serbia and Europe but also to the entire world, due to the rich experience it gained in the process of modernization. China became a model country for all countries that are not satisfied with “one model fits all” solutions.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/8 17:29:07
  • Breaking the gentleman's agreement is ungentlemanly

    It is a miscalculation for the Philippines to try to gain some privilege in the manner of a rogue. And it is more than stupid to try to bring in an eagle so that it could prey on those living in the region.

    By Xin Ping | 2024/5/7 22:26:24
  • France serves as a bridge between the West and China

    French companies are also extremely keen on investing more in China. China is making itself more welcoming to foreign investment, especially from European countries. The administrative hurdles are being lowered.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/7 20:05:49
  • China and Serbia maintain 'iron-clad friendship' with more to come

    Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a signed article published in Serbian media on Tuesday that China stands ready to make China-Serbia ironclad friendship deliver more benefits to the two peoples. Serbia is one of the stops of President Xi's ongoing visit to Europe.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/7 19:51:45
  • China-France relations can serve as an inspiring example for East-West ties: French scholar

    China-France relations can serve as an inspiring example for relations between East and West, showing that it is possible to overcome ideological and cultural differences to build a mutually beneficial partnership.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/6 16:42:52
  • Establishing diplomatic ties with China puts France at the forefront of history: French entrepreneur

    The growing power of China could enable France and Europe as a whole to emerge as an independent pole.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/6 15:43:37
  • US limits on tax credits for EVs targeting China and 'overcapacity' hype reflect protectionism, unease with China's new-energy advantage

    The US released a final rule on Friday stating that electric vehicles (EVs) using materials from China will not be eligible for tax credits, amid its attacks on China's EV industry with so-called "overcapacity" rhetoric.

    By Su Yaxuan and Qi Xijia | 2024/5/4 17:48:29
  • For Europe, the real risk would be to do without China: French expert

    There is no fundamental conflict of interests between China and Europe. On the contrary, China and certain European leaders are willing to establish a win-win cooperation between themselves. For Europe, the real risk would be to do without China.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/4 13:50:11
  • Manele's election represents the Pacific Islanders' voice; West's slander may trigger strong local resentment

    Foreign minister Jeremiah Manele was elected as the Solomon Islands' new prime minister by members of parliament on Thursday. As a key figure in Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare's team, Manele's election represents the broad voice of Pacific Islanders seeking to continue mutually beneficial cooperation with China.

    By Ma Ruiqian | 2024/5/3 20:25:16
  • Hyping 'fatal' attacks is a political show by the PCG to smear China

    On Wednesday, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) held a press conference, condemning "China's use of brute force to assert its illegal claims." Experts stated that smearing China's "fatal" attacks in the South China Sea has become a common tactic used by the Philippines to provoke incidents. The PCG press conference was a political show that fully demonstrates the political scheme of the Philippines to provoke its dispute in the South China Sea.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/2 21:14:13
  • US tries to discredit China's peace efforts with'sour grapes'mentality

    While the two Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas held recent reconciliation talks in Beijing, US media outlet the Associated Press called it the latest attempt by China to "position itself as a broker in the Middle East as an alternative to the US and its Western allies," discrediting China's peace efforts with "sour grapes" mentality and focusing on geopolitical rivalry.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/1 19:06:01
  • Philippine infringement and provocation in South China Sea will inevitably backfire

    The situation in the South China Sea will not unfold according to Philippine playbook. Each infringement and provocation by Manila will be met with strong countermeasures from China. The stability and continuity of China's South China Sea policy are rooted in its interests in the waters and a clear understanding of the essence of the South China Sea issue. It will not be swayed by any individual country's narrative spin, nor will it fall into the trap of self-denial due to temporary fluctuations in maritime tensions.

    By Ding Duo | 2024/4/30 22:11:40
  • The illegality and invalidity of the so-called South China Sea arbitration awards

    China enjoys historic rights in the South China Sea, supported by historical evidence, domestic legal frameworks and international law.

    By Ma Xinmin | 2024/4/30 22:06:35