One-China principle general consensus of the international community: Chinese FM
Published: May 20, 2024 06:22 PM
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin Photo:

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin Photo:

Many political dignitaries from countries that have diplomatic relations with China, friendly figures from various political parties and heads of major international organizations issued a voice of justice that adheres to the one-China principle and demonstrates their firm stance against Taiwan independence and separatism and opposition to external forces interfering in the Taiwan question, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Monday. 

The one-China principle is the general consensus of the international community and the basic norm of international relations. It is also the political foundation and prerequisite for China to develop relations with other countries, the spokesperson said.

Facts have proven time and again that adhering to the one-China principle is the universal consensus of the international community. It is the great cause of justice and the aspiration of the people, Wang noted.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said on Monday that many political leaders and people from various sectors, including those from Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states vocally upholding one-China principle once again demonstrates that the international community's commitment to the principle is unshakable.

Anyone who attempts to challenge the one-China principle will inevitably fail. Each time they stir up trouble, the international community's consensus on the one-China principle becomes stronger, and understanding and support for China's position increase, Wang Yi said as he is attending the SCO Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Astana on Monday. 

The actions of Taiwan independence secessionists pose the most serious challenge to the international order, the most dangerous change to the status quo in the Taiwan Straits, and the most significant disruption to peace in the Taiwan Straits, Wang Yi noted. The one-China principle is the political foundation and prerequisite for China's relations with other countries, as well as the anchor for maintaining peace in the Taiwan Straits, the Chinese top diplomat stressed.

The vast majority of countries and international regional organizations across the world stand firmly with the Chinese government and people and support China's just cause of opposing independence and promoting reunification, the spokesperson said. 

"I want to emphasize that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing the whole of China," the spokesperson said. 

No matter how the political situation on the island of Taiwan changes, it cannot change the fact that both sides of the Straits belong to the same territory. 

China's historical and legal facts cannot change the international community's basic pattern of adhering to the one-China principle, nor can it change the historical trend that China will inevitably be reunified, Wang Wenbin noted.

"Individual politicians from a few countries have engaged in political manipulation and personal shows on Taiwan-related questions, seriously interfered in China's internal affairs, and violated the one-China principle. China strongly condemns this and will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity," the spokesperson said. 

"The trend of history is unstoppable, and Taiwan independence is destined to be a dead end," Wang Wenbin said, noting that external forces interfering in China's internal affairs and condoning and supporting "Taiwan independence" have no way out, and "using Taiwan to contain China" will fail. 

Chinese people's just cause of opposing "Taiwan independence" separatism and striving for national reunification will surely gain wider and wider understanding and support from the international community. The day will come when China will achieve complete reunification, Wang Wenbin noted. 

Meanwhile, in response to reports about the 33rd Arab League Summit Council meeting that was held on May 16 where Arab countries said they will abide by the one-China principle and write it into the resolution of the council meeting, the spokesperson said China highly appreciates that Arab countries will abide by the one-China principle, which was written into the resolution of the meeting. 

This shows that Arab countries firmly defend the UN Charter and the basic norms of international relations, and it once again proves that the one-China principle is an international justice and what the people want, Wang Wenbin said.

China and Arab countries are good friends and good partners. China is willing to work with Arab countries to continue to firmly support each other on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, safeguard fairness and justice, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and push China-Arab relations to a new level, Wang Wenbin said. 

Some Chinese embassies overseas recently held press conferences on the Taiwan question. Chinese Embassy in the UK reiterated Beijing's position ahead of an "inauguration" on Monday in the Taiwan region, and urged the British side to uphold the one-China principle.

"We urge the UK government to abide by the one-China principle, not to send anyone to Taiwan for the so-called inauguration ceremony, not to allow relevant personnel from Taiwan to visit the UK, and not to have any official contact with Taiwan in any way," Minister Yang Xiaoguang said at a news briefing at the embassy in London on Friday.

Global Times