Leaders of many countries and intl organizations reaffirm commitment of upholding one-China principle: FM
Published: May 22, 2024 02:49 AM
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin Photo:

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin Photo:

Over the past few weeks, leaders of many countries and international organizations have reaffirmed the commitment to the just cause of upholding the one-China principle, which shows that upholding the one-China principle is where global opinion trends, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin on Tuesday during a regular press conference.

Wang made the remarks after Lai Ching-te attempted to push "Taiwan independence" in his speech upon assuming the role of Taiwan region's new leader.

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said that Kazakhstan is firmly committed to the one-China principle and this position will never change. President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the elections in the Taiwan region are China's internal affair and other countries have no right to interfere or point fingers at it. He stressed once again that Uzbekistan's commitment to firmly upholding the one-China principle will never waver.

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov expressed firm support for China on issues concerning Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Xizang. Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari said Pakistan firmly upholds the one-China principle and Taiwan region is an inalienable part of China's territory, which is beyond any doubt.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro noted there is but one China in the world and in the UN-centered international system. This is a fact that is beyond doubt. Any attempt to undermine the one-China principle is doomed to failure. Kiribati President and Foreign Minister Taneti Maamau stated support for the right position that China upholds on ensuring national reunification, sovereignty and territorial integrity and Kiribati's commitment to UNGA Resolution 2758.

The 33rd Ordinary Session of the Council of the League of Arab States at the Summit Level adopted a resolution reaffirming the commitment to the one-China principle. The Prime Minister of Guyana Mark Phillips noted he does not support Taiwan region in joining any international organization that requires sovereign statehood or participating in international conferences.

The Prime Minister of Tonga Hu'akavameiliku said Tonga is committed to the one-China principle and firmly supports UNGA Resolution 2758. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that on the Taiwan question, Russia supports China in realizing national reunification and this position is very clear.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Marko Djuric said Serbia has only one policy on the Taiwan question, that is the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the friendly and brotherly China is inviolable. Serbia firmly supports the one-China principle, recognizes China within its full borders and believes that how to resolve issues including the Taiwan question is China's own affair.

Sri Lanka's Speaker of Parliament Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana, Botswana's Speaker of the National Assembly Phandu Tombola Chaka Skelemani, Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith, and many other organizations openly reaffirmed their commitment to upholding the one-China principle, following the UNGA Resolution 2758 and opposing all forms of "Taiwan independence" separatism.

As Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi pointed out, the one-China principle cannot be violated, separatist attempts for "Taiwan independence" are doomed to fail and the general trend of China's reunification is irreversible.

Each time "Taiwan independence" separatists make waves, it reinforces the global consensus that the one-China principle must be upheld and garners understanding and support for China's position—a good example of the old Chinese adage "a just cause enjoys the support of many."

The abiding commitment of the international community to the one-China principle is unshakable and the trend of the history of China realizing complete reunification is unstoppable. Anyone trying to challenge the one-China principle and hinder China's reunification is attempting the impossible and will only wreck their own reputation, said Wang Wenbin.

Global Times