A new type of reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicle of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force is put on ground static display at Airshow China 2024, held in South China’s Guangdong Province from November 12 to 17, 2024. Photo: Liu Xuanzun/GT
Without unveiling its designation, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force debuted a new type of mysterious armed reconnaissance drone at the ongoing Airshow China 2024.
With enhanced performance, the new drone is expected to be more powerful than the PLA Air Force’s GJ-1 and GJ-2 armed reconnaissance drones, Chinese military expert Song Zhongping told the Global Times on Friday at the airshow.
Exhibited at the ground static display area of the PLA Air Force and painted in light grey, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) boasts a similar conventional design seen on many armed reconnaissance drones, including the PLA Air Force’s GJ-1 and GJ-2, as well as the Wing Loong-1 and Wing Loong-2.
Officially labeled as a new-type reconnaissance and strike UAV, the drone is capable of tactical reconnaissance, surveillance and attack missions, the Global Times learned at the airshow.
With mission payload such as optoelectronic reconnaissance equipment, synthetic aperture radar, communication and reconnaissance devices installed, the drone can attack fixed, mobile and time-sensitive targets on the ground and on water surface, according to the PLA Air Force.
In previous editions of Airshow China, the PLA Air Force unveiled the GJ-1 and GJ-2 armed reconnaissance drones. This year, it did not provide detailed information on the new drone’s technical specifics and capabilities.
The new drone is an embodiment of the PLA Air Force’s constant upgrading and optimization of its drone arsenal, Song said, noting that the new drone is likely capable of conducting strikes on more types of targets.
In addition to the new-type reconnaissance and strike UAV, the PLA Air Force also exhibited the WZ-7 and the WZ-10 reconnaissance drones at the Airshow China 2024. Previously, the PLA also unveiled the GJ-11 armed reconnaissance stealth drone and the WZ-8 reconnaissance drone.
Song said different drones have different uses and missions. Some of them play strategic roles while others play tactical roles. Some of them are dedicated to reconnaissance missions while others can also attack.
China is having more and more types of drones. With the country’s aviation and aerospace sectors, universities and companies developing UAVs, China’s drone industry is developing fast and becoming more diversified, according to Song.