GT Voice
Despite intense pressure from the US on China's semiconductor sector, the progress demonstrated by China's chip industry underscores its unwavering determination to overcome external obstacles.
By Global Times | 2024/10/23 23:25:19
  • GT Voice: BRICS' green devt offers new path for global energy transition

    The progress made by BRICS countries in transitioning to green energy not only helps mitigate global climate change but also serves as an inspiring example for other developing nations, showcasing an approach to energy development that diverges from old Western practices.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/22 23:54:19
  • GT Voice: US trade curbs drive closer ASEAN-China cooperation

    The growing US politicization of trade and the alarming rise of protectionism will compel countries in Southeast Asia and elsewhere to more actively explore new markets and forge alternative trade partnerships.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/22 0:03:34
  • GT Voice: China-Peru cooperation creates more opportunities for region

    China's infrastructure investments in Latin America sometimes raise concerns in the US. However, from a broader perspective, cooperation between China and regional countries actually presents more opportunities for collaboration for the US rather than rivalry.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/20 22:58:25
  • GT Voice: Challenges won't deter CPEC cooperation of China, Pakistan

    In a joint statement made public on Wednesday in Islamabad, China and Pakistan agreed to work together to build the "upgraded version" of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and make it into a demonstration project for cooperation under the high-quality Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

    By Global Times | 2024/10/17 22:19:59
  • GT Voice: India factory woes signal Apple's plan to 'diversify' hard to achieve

    Problems encountered by iPhone factories in India have raised significant concerns about the viability and reliability of Apple's strategy to move a proportion of production from China.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/16 23:01:16
  • GT Voice: More engagement can expand China-UK mutual benefits

    Britain "needs more engagement with China," the country's Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds told POLITICO on the sidelines of the recently elected UK Labour government's International Investment Summit. If "more engagement" allows more room for economic cooperation to grow, it will almost certainly bring positive contributions to inbound investment in the UK.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/15 21:27:21
  • GT Voice: China-Mexico auto cooperation can generate benefits for both

    As some US politicians intensify efforts to fabricate and spread claims of a “national security threat” posed by vehicles from China, the Mexican economy may suffer losses if the country is swayed by those politicians, given the importance of the auto sector to Mexico.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/14 21:50:25
  • GT Voice: Sincerity from EU only way to resolve EV dispute with China

    Although China is sincere in advancing consultations, the EU side has kept making unreasonable demands, which, combined with other factors, makes consultations difficult.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/13 22:48:33
  • GT Voice: Development of AI tech requires global governance collaboration

    While AI has significantly advanced scientific progress, its rapid development has also stirred debates and concerns about the potential risks and challenges, which necessitates the collective efforts and cooperation of the international community.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/10 22:33:45
  • GT Voice: Pursuit of lithium 'decoupling' by US poses strategic dilemma

    At a time when the US and its allies are ramping up lithium production, accusing China of excessively supplying lithium is clearly untenable and unreasonable.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/9 22:44:44
  • GT Voice: Western political schemes root of firms' Xinjiang 'dilemma'

    The US has fabricated the so-called issue of "forced labor," attempting to coerce American companies into joining the bandwagon of suppressing the development of China's Xinjiang region. This is the root cause of the dilemma faced by American enterprises today.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/8 23:09:04
  • GT Voice: US tariff policy foretells risks of protectionism in solar sector

    While recent shifts in US trade policy have created opportunities for companies from countries like India to gain greater access to the US solar market, ongoing protectionist challenges confronting the global photovoltaic industry underscore the necessity for collaboration and engagement among key solar industry players, particularly those from China.

    By Global Times | 2024/10/7 23:30:11
  • GT Voice: FTA progress in East Asia in line with industrial chain needs

    Amid the turbulent external market environment, the promotion of regional economic cooperation between China and South Korea for high-end development depends on their ability to resist external interference disrupting regional industrial and supply chains.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/28 23:53:39
  • GT Voice: Economic growth underpins yuan's long-term stability

    Rather than focusing solely on the short-term fluctuations of the exchange rate, investors are advised to pay more attention to the long-term steady trend of the yuan's value and the stable economic development in China that underpins its value.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/26 23:51:19
  • GT Voice: Strategic sobriety key to outlook for EV sector's rise in Canada

    Some Canadian politicians may not be aware that they are playing a dangerous game, in which the Canadian economy, particularly the country's auto industry, will suffer losses as a result of the irrational synergy with US protectionist trade policies.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/25 22:50:43
  • GT Voice: US-led mineral-security alliance really aims at global monopolies

    While the US has rallied its allies to form a so-called mineral-security alliance under the banner of "breaking China's grip on supplies of critical minerals," this initiative does little to mask its own ambitions and strategic maneuvers aimed at establishing a global monopoly in key mineral sectors.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/24 23:53:49
  • GT Voice: Targeting Chinese exports can not help Europe's steel sectors

    China's steel exports periodically capture the attention of the Western public. While Chinese steel exports to Europe and the US remain limited, Western narratives often emphasize external factors as the primary contributors to their companies' challenges. This perspective may inadvertently distract from the critical and urgent efforts that are truly necessary to address the underlying issues facing the industry.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/24 0:04:30
  • GT Voice: Protectionism is poison for US shipbuilding industry

    For US political elites, some of whom rashly advocate for economic “decoupling,” America's shipbuilding industry should serve as a lesson. It demonstrates that revitalizing US manufacturing requires global cooperation and fair competition, rather than trade protectionism and geopolitical games.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/22 23:35:17
  • GT Voice: Cooperation with China will accelerate EU energy transition

    Clean energy offers the EU a chance to boost its energy independence and sustainability, but to achieve a real energy transition, the EU needs to demonstrate greater determination to fostering robust clean energy cooperation with China.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/19 23:56:37
  • GT Voice: Western narrative ignores China's food security efforts

    Western media outlets' attempt to interpret China's grain trade solely through the lens of economic slowdown overlooks China's prioritization of food security and its increasing flexibility in grain trade.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/19 0:22:19
  • GT Voice: What economic impacts will US Fed's coming move have?

    Global financial markets are poised at a historic juncture, with investors around the world closely watching the coming interest rate decisions from the US Federal Reserve. However, this is unlikely to affect the Chinese economy's ability to develop and grow steadily at its own pace and according to its own planning. Increasingly, investors are recognizing that the resilience China demonstrates in maintaining stable expectations at all times is particularly appealing in volatile market conditions.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/17 23:52:39
  • GT Voice: Chamber's engagement reflects resilience of China-US trade

    While the China-US relations may be fraught with complexities and challenges, non-governmental commercial exchanges between the two countries continue to demonstrate remarkable vitality. These economic interactions serve as a vital foundation for fostering mutual understanding and cooperation, ultimately contributing to the development and stability of bilateral relations.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/13 0:12:04
  • GT Voice: Opening-up of China's services sector unmissable opportunity

    With the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) set to be held in Beijing from September 12 to 16, the opening-up pace of China's services sector has once again become a focus of attention, sparking discussion about its potential implications for global services trade and investment dynamics.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/12 0:21:59
  • GT Voice: Taiwan's export reliance on US AI boom constitutes risk

    Taiwan's heavy reliance on a single industry and market for its exports highlights the fragility and substantial risks inherent in its economic structure. The uncertainties in AI chip demand in the US could jeopardize the sustainability of the island's export growth.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/10 23:19:44
  • GT Voice: Apple's anchor underscores China's industrial prowess

    The fact that a significant portion of Apple's industrial chain remains anchored in China underscores the country's continued advancement toward high-end production capabilities.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/10 0:17:40
  • GT Voice: US opposition to Nippon Steel deal disregards Japan's interests

    The situation surrounding Nippon Steel's proposed purchase of US Steel reveals Washington's disregard for Japan's interests in favor of its own and underscores Japan's shortsightedness and miscalculations in its trade strategy toward the US.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/8 22:22:55
  • GT Voice: Chinese cooperation benefits African farming advancement

    Agricultural cooperation between China and Africa has greatly enhanced the agricultural production capacity of African countries and transformed the production methods and concepts of African farmers, bringing revolutionary changes to the local agricultural industry.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/4 23:42:36
  • GT Voice: China-Russia cooperation on Northern Sea Route will boost regional economy

    As it is the shortest maritime passage linking northeast Asia and western Europe, the development of the Northern Sea Route holds significant implications for trade between China and Russia, as well as between China and Europe.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/6 0:09:02
  • GT Voice: Yielding to US pressure on China detrimental to Japan's interests

    Under pressure from the US to further tighten restrictions on exports to China, Japan's concerns about China's potential response appear to be mounting. It will be hard for Japan to avoid bearing the costs if it cooperates with the US in further suppressing China's semiconductor sector.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/3 20:26:05
  • GT Voice: China-Africa cooperation won't be thwarted by Western anxiety

    It is not surprising to see some Western media outlets again targeting China's green cooperation with Africa, which actually reveals anxiety over China's growing influence in the global energy transition. However, these anxieties will not impede the progress of China-Africa green cooperation.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/2 23:34:35
  • GT Voice: India's scrutiny of Chinese investments hurts its interests

    India's scrutiny of Chinese investments poses a dilemma for its own development, with political and economic considerations intertwined. It is imperative for India to strike a delicate balance between protecting national security and promoting economic development. Without enhancing mutual trust, India will struggle to boost Chinese investments that are vital for the advancement of its manufacturing sector.

    By Global Times | 2024/9/1 22:16:47
  • GT Voice: Xizang's remarkable development a strong rebuttal to Western lies

    Some Western media outlets and organizations never get tired of smearing the human rights situation in Xizang. Nevertheless, the tangible progress in Xizang's development serves as a powerful rebuttal to these baseless lies.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/30 0:22:17
  • GT Voice: US solar panel scrutiny shows protectionist forces India faces

    While the US "decoupling" push appears to be aimed directly at China, it is ultimately a form of trade protectionism intended to protect US domestic industries. In this light, even India, viewed as a potential alternative supplier for the US, is experiencing the strain.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/29 0:17:48
  • GT Voice: China's export controls justified for safeguarding own devt rights

    At a time when the global high-tech industrial chain has been disrupted by US-led hegemonic acts, it is unreasonable and unfair for the West to expect China to maintain the West's supply chain interests while China's interests are being hurt.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/27 22:40:29
  • GT Voice: US rate cut may ease concerns, but risks remain for economy

    The US may be on the brink of cutting interest rates, but the bigger challenges facing the US economy are only just beginning. The high-tech industry in the US has not fully shown its positive impact on the manufacturing sector, thereby constraining the overall growth potential of the US economy. This could be part of the backlash against Washington's efforts to contain or decouple with Chinese manufacturing.

    By Wang Jiamei | 2024/8/26 23:15:15
  • GT Voice: China-ASEAN FTA upgrade key for regional development

    Whether from the perspective of production or consumption, China and ASEAN are forming a closer industrial chain. It is necessary for China and ASEAN to upgrade the existing free trade arrangement and continue promoting mutual market openness.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/25 22:01:57
  • GT Voice: Yuan internationalization boosts regional, global financial stability

    China's efforts to boost international use of yuan are in line with the objective needs of global development to contain financial risks, diversify the world's payment system, and maintain financial stability.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/23 0:00:01
  • GT Voice: Cooperation in Africa refutes Western smearing of China

    With China-Africa trade cooperation deepening, China has proven through its practical support that it is truly helping Africa's development.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/21 21:53:50
  • GT Voice: Further opening-up facilitates China's manufacturing upgrade

    Amid a complex global economic environment, China's adherence to its opening-up policy and the stabilization of foreign investment holds immense importance in the establishment of a more robust supply chain system.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/20 23:37:46
  • GT Voice: China-Maldives FTA to serve regional economy, defy hype

    Despite facing geopolitical pressure, the joint efforts of China and the Maldives to pursue enhanced economic and trade cooperation will demonstrate that seeking common development and cooperation is an irreversible trend in the region.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/19 23:54:44
  • GT Voice: Global South cooperation must avoid geopolitics trap

    The Global South, with its growing impact on the international global economic and political stage, has emerged as a pivotal force driving international open development and cooperation. Nevertheless, it is imperative to ensure that the development of the Global South is not derailed by any geopolitical game.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/18 22:08:33
  • GT Voice: US tech export controls backfire, drive companies into 'death spiral'

    The restrictions on US technology exports to China are encountering mounting opposition due to the growing financial losses of American companies and the burgeoning independent innovation capabilities of Chinese companies, ultimately ruling out the possibility of the US being able to force allies into alignment on further export controls over China.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/15 23:16:26
  • GT Voice: Project delays show US drive of reshoring is unsustainable

    While the US policy of reshoring manufacturing has made progress, prioritizing the promotion of the US manufacturing industry completely over economic efficiency will inevitably pose challenges and uncertainties to the sustainability of its return.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/14 23:42:33
  • GT Voice: Blaming China can't revitalize America's shipbuilding sector

    Some media outlets in the US never tire of comparing the challenges of American manufacturing with the progress of Chinese manufacturing, even though such comparisons may not be meaningful. This approach is prone to causing unwarranted anxiety that could distract the US from addressing its manufacturing problems.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/13 22:53:23
  • GT Voice: Canada arbitrarily overextends its security concept in Peru deal

    Canada's latest move to erect barriers against Chinese mining investment shows that the country is going to extreme lengths in terms of overstretching security concerns into normal economic issues, which sends a negative signal for the future of bilateral mining cooperation and hinders the development of global mineral resources.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/12 23:20:06
  • GT Voice: Strong will required to unleash China-Germany trade potential

    Despite the strong complementarity of China-Germany trade relations, there are geopolitical factors that may affect the further growth of bilateral trade. With new changes emerging, the urgency to address these issues is increasing.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/11 21:40:50
  • GT Voice: Rising economic risks in US will require greater vigilance from global investors

    While economic indicators and recent turmoil in financial markets may not technically constitute clear signs of a recession, risks in the US economy and its financial markets are building up. These risk factors pose a threat to its own financial stability and that of the world from multiple aspects, calling for greater vigilance among global investors.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/8 23:12:12
  • GT Voice: US chip subsidy leads to bubbles endangering financial market

    The US subsidy program is essentially about its technological hegemony and exposes protectionist tendencies toward its own chip industry. Its goal is to support domestic chipmakers while exerting control over foreign ones, concentrating the chip industry in the US.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/7 23:34:44
  • GT Voice: BRI development in SE Asia stark contrast to US promises

    Through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China has demonstrated a willingness to share its development dividends by actively engaging in practical cooperation and investing in Southeast Asia's infrastructure construction. This policy has provided tangible development opportunities for Southeast Asian countries and laid a solid foundation for long-term cooperation between China and Southeast Asian nations.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/6 23:49:11
  • GT Voice: US denial of Vietnam's market economy shows protectionism

    The refusal by the US to recognize Vietnam as a market economy appears to be both an economic decision and a political one, influenced by its domestic economic conditions and its strategy to counter China. Washington's increasing trend of politicizing its trade policy has become a source of growing uncertainty in the global economy.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/5 23:09:46
  • GT Voice: China takes the lead in driving Asia's energy transformation

    The Sirajganj photovoltaic (PV) power station, the largest solar power project under construction in Bangladesh, has been connected to the power grid, Power Construction Corp of China said on its official WeChat account on Saturday.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/4 21:29:12
  • GT Voice: Flag Act exposes disadvantages in US manufacturing sector

    Instead of truly driving reindustrialization in the US, policies aimed at boosting American manufacturing seem to only result in increased costs and rising debt, underscoring the irrationality of US politicians targeting Chinese manufacturing.

    By Global Times | 2024/8/1 20:46:46
  • GT Voice: Protectionism will only drag down the Canadian EV sector

    If Canada were to follow the protectionist path of the US in the EV sector, it should carefully examine the problems facing the American EV market and prepare to accept the even worse consequences of replicating American protectionist practices.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/31 22:55:51
  • GT Voice: China's social stability makes it irreplaceable world's factory

    Despite Washington's efforts to relocate manufacturing industrial chains from China to India and some other Asian countries through coercion and inducement, challenges in implementation have revealed that the process is more complicated and thornier than anticipated.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/30 21:41:56
  • GT Voice: US trade war facilitates openness, trade of China's western region

    Numerous factors contribute to the continued growth of China's foreign trade amid the West's trade protectionism, particularly the US-launched trade war against China. However, the primary reason is the increase in exports from China's western region.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/29 21:32:46
  • GT Voice: WTO deal to boost e-commerce despite Washington's reluctance

    About half of the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have reached a preliminary deal on e-commerce that would permanently ban tariffs on digital transactions, Bloomberg reported on Saturday. Although Washington reportedly signaled a reluctance to fully endorse it, the e-commerce deal is an important success story for the organization, underscoring the vitality of the multilateral trade mechanism.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/28 22:17:26
  • GT Voice: Italy's trade efforts highlight value of China-EU coordination

    The Italian government has sent signals about further promoting the development of China-Italy economic and trade cooperation, garnering great attention. In light of the trade dispute between China and the EU regarding tariffs on electric vehicles, any step taken toward pragmatic communication is commendable and valuable.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/25 22:48:48
  • GT Voice: India's ability to draw Chinese capital a litmus test for growth

    India seems to be changing its stance to attract more Chinese investment, but the success of this policy adjustment hinges on whether India still sees China as a strategic rival in geopolitics and security, which hinders trust between the two countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/24 23:07:53
  • GT Voice: CrowdStrike outage calls for reflection on who is real threat

    CrowdStrike's strategy of smearing and excluding China has unexpectedly made China one of the least affected major economies in the latest tech outage. The irony should spark a reflection on who is the real threat to cybersecurity in the world.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/23 22:57:59
  • GT Voice: Market concerns over TSMC warn of US geopolitical risks

    TSMC's strong second-quarter results didn't support its share price, which unexpectedly sank in the US and Taiwan island. This outcome is a warning to TSMC and underscores the growing disruptive impact of US geopolitical pressure.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/22 23:00:16
  • GT Voice: Failures in US solar sector call for reflection on protectionism

    The recent wave of failures in the US solar industry serves as yet another example of how protectionism impedes the sustainable development of a promising industry.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/21 22:19:01
  • GT Voice: G7 double standards laid bare as it exerts pressure on China

    G7 appears to be using so-called economic coercion accusations to put pressure on China, but this only exposes its hypocrisy. The fact that the group itself is really the one engaging in economic coercion is evident in the statement.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/18 23:32:34
  • GT Voice: EU vote shows need to resolve EV trade dispute with China

    The more the EU faces disagreement over protectionism and free trade, particularly in the EV sector, the more enhanced communication and mutual understanding between China and the EU are needed.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/17 23:46:58
  • GT Voice: NEV issue shows greater role of WTO needed for fair trade

    China requested WTO expert panel on dispute over NEV subsidies under the US IRA. This responsible approach demonstrates China's adherence to international trade rules. While criticizing others' trade practices, some countries like the US have turned a blind eye to their own protectionism, showcasing blatant double standards.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/16 22:59:05
  • GT Voice: Trade surplus hype ignores China's unique global role

    Amid growing trade protectionism, Western media outlets, which have deliberately played up China's strong exports as the cause of trade tensions, should think long and hard about why the West's erection of all sorts of trade barriers has still not been able to stop China's manufacturing from forging ahead in the global market.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/15 23:34:29
  • GT Voice: Japan-Germany 'cooperation' won't supplant China's role

    Japan-Germany economic security framework is an overstretch of the security concept in their economic spheres, a trend that undermines mutual benefits and efficiency, and exacerbates uncertainty and risk in international markets.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/14 22:32:22
  • GT Voice: US defense supply chain will not help Taiwan separatists

    The DPP authorities in China's Taiwan region seem to be making a fresh push to expand military collusion with the US under the guise of “trade and economic partnership,” but it is an extremely dangerous approach.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/11 22:36:37
  • GT Voice: Yuan going global to support economy, not replace others

    Despite the progress made in the internationalization of the Chinese yuan, it is crucial for China to maintain a clear perspective on the financial fluctuations and risks behind the hype over de-dollarization.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/10 22:25:00
  • GT Voice: US protectionism won't shake China's edge in shipbuilding

    Despite challenges posed by Washington's increasing protectionism, China's shipbuilding industry has already established a strong foundation for sustainable growth. This suggests that the growth momentum of Chinese manufacturing will not be hindered.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/9 21:46:49
  • GT Voice: US intervention in Congo deal highlights need for China to secure mineral cooperation

    The US appears to be increasing its intervention in African countries to restrict the operations of Chinese mining companies, highlighting the need for China to secure a stable supply chain for critical minerals through enhanced collaboration with alternative mineral suppliers.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/8 22:21:56
  • GT Voice: Apart from talent, what else does China-India trade need?

    The Indian government is considering granting visas to Chinese workers for some strategic sectors to address the skill gap, boost domestic manufacturing, and drive technological advancement, VOA Chinese reported on Saturday.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/7 22:43:58
  • GT Voice: EU's EV tariffs won't diminish China's appeal to foreign firms

    Despite the potential trade barriers and uncertainty caused by the EU's tariffs on foreign electric vehicle (EV) makers in China, including Tesla, China's advantages in terms of both market and manufacturing capacity will continue to position it as a crucial component of the global strategy for foreign automakers.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/4 21:37:15
  • GT Voice: China's AI development breaks US hegemony, offers global benefits

    China's AI progress through independent innovation and international cooperation not only continuously overcomes US technological barriers but also has a positive impact on a global scale.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/3 22:56:12
  • GT Voice: Concern over new trade war weighs on US farmers again

    Regardless of the outcome of the US election, the stance of Chinese soybean importers toward the US' trade war with China has always been clear and firm. If the new administration of the US chooses to continue or escalate the trade war, it is possible that US soybean exports could be affected.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/2 22:21:23
  • GT Voice: Chip data show resilience of China-SK trade cooperation

    While US chip bans on China have posed a challenge to the latter's cooperation with South Korea, it doesn't necessarily indicate a lack of hope for bilateral collaboration in key technology areas.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/1 22:25:21
  • GT Voice: Euro 2024 an epitome of win-win China-EU cooperation

    Euro 2024, to some extent, offers a window to observe the resilience of economic cooperation between China and the EU. We hope EU politicians can listen to rational voices, abandon zero-sum mentality, and push bilateral EV-related cooperation back on track. The EU side needs to show sportsmanship toward Chinese companies.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/30 21:53:31
  • GT Voice: EU risks losing opportunities by mimicking US on EV tariffs

    The imposition of steep extra tariffs by the US on EVs from China has sparked a chain reaction of protectionism in the emerging sector, reshaping the global auto industry by impacting not only Chinese automakers but European ones too.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/27 22:56:48
  • GT Voice: China-Poland EV cooperation calls for EU to rethink tariffs

    The collaboration between China and some EU members in EV investment not only underscores their shared interest and opportunities in this sector, but also serves as a reminder of the vast potential that exists in the investment cooperation between China and the EU.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/26 23:41:38
  • GT Voice: S.Korean plant fire a painful lesson, calls for safety probe

    The lithium battery factory fire in South Korea, which tragically claimed the lives of 17 Chinese nationals, is not just a sudden accident. It also serves as a stark reminder of the importance of protecting the rights and safety of Chinese workers abroad.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/25 21:41:31
  • GT Voice: Complementarity keeps driving China-Vietnam economic ties

    The ongoing trend of industrial chain connectivity and collaboration between China and Vietnam is expected to persist despite any external influences, due to significant complementarity between the two countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/24 22:48:31
  • GT Voice: Linking China-EU trade ties to Ukraine crisis unreasonable, risky

    China is neither a creator of, nor a party to, the Ukraine crisis, so it is totally untenable and unreasonable to put China-EU trade issues in the context of the Ukraine crisis.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/23 21:57:36
  • GT Voice: Who brings China and EU to brink of spiraling into a dangerous trade row?

    After the EU announced extra duties on imported Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), Olof Gill, European Commission Spokesperson for Trade told media that China was free to initiate dispute settlement proceedings against the EU through the World Trade Organization (WTO), but there was "no need to take any retaliatory measures." Such logic is absurd.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/21 17:24:36
  • GT Voice: China's energy transition drives tech, infrastructure development

    China's energy consumption and utilization of renewable energy are driving significant shifts in the global energy landscape, highlighting both advances and challenges in the country's energy usage and climate change initiatives.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/20 23:18:13
  • GT Voice: Crucial for China, EU to find balance amid tariff tensions

    It is crucial for China-EU economic and trade relations to find a balance through dialogue in order to effectively address the concerns of both sides. This is also why Habeck's reported visit to China is expected to carry particular weight in China-EU economic relations.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/19 23:41:56
  • GT Voice: Time for pragmatism to guide China-Australia economic ties

    It is hard-won progress as China-Australia economic relations have been gradually set back on track through joint efforts, but it is not yet time to be complacent and stop moving forward. It is necessary for both sides to step up economic cooperation in different areas.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/18 21:32:36
  • GT Voice: UK's concern over badges made in China becomes political farce

    Delayed badge manufacturing not only exposes the over-sensitivity and paranoia of some in the UK, but also reflects the unwarranted suspicion and mistrust of Chinese-made products in the face of increasing anti-globalization sentiment in certain Western countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/17 22:45:42
  • GT Voice: Will Chinese car brands break into world's top 10 sellers?

    Trade barriers, market access restrictions and other challenges have the potential to affect the competitiveness of Chinese EVs in Western markets. Despite these hurdles, it is not unattainable for Chinese car brands to further boost their global sales and competitiveness.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/16 21:38:01
  • GT Voice: Chinese EV firms won't be deterred by EU trade hurdles

    While the impact of the EU's preliminary ruling on the anti-subsidy investigation of Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) remains unclear, the market's response has surprisingly tilted toward optimism regarding the future of Chinese EV manufacturers in Europe.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/13 23:03:25
  • GT Voice: Unilateral sanctions pose a danger for Japan's economy

    Citing sources close to the Japanese government, Japan's public broadcaster NHK reported on Wednesday that Japan is considering imposing new sanctions on companies, including Chinese ones, that are suspected of supplying materials to Russia that can be used by Moscow's military.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/12 22:27:33
  • GT Voice: EU should avoid protectionism to attract Chinese investments

    The EU's ability to rely on market mechanisms to address challenges is crucial for the future of its auto industry and serves as a test of European economic competitiveness and innovation.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/11 20:30:29
  • GT Voice: US has no right to interfere in China-Russia financial synergy

    Cooperation between China and Russia in the financial sector is a positive asset for the continuous advance of the global financial system amid uncertainties, and will continue to bring new vitality to the world economy.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/10 21:42:56
  • GT Voice: New US tariffs on China will slow cuts to global emissions

    Washington's decision to increase tariffs on Chinese new-energy products has clearly hindered global efforts to reduce emissions. The policy not only goes against the trend of international cooperation in combating climate change but also exposes the shortsighted and self-serving nature of US politicians in addressing global issues.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/5 22:33:52
  • GT Voice: EU trade policy needs to be free of Washington's influence

    Despite lingering concerns about potential trade friction with China over electric vehicles in Europe, there is a growing awareness among the business community that the root of the rise in protectionism and trade hostility actually lies in the US, not China.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/4 22:10:52
  • GT Voice: Multifaceted approach needed to boost India's factory sector

    While India's large population has long been viewed as a potential advantage for its promising economic outlook, how to transform the demographic opportunity into a demographic dividend is a challenge it will have to address to become a global manufacturing hub.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/3 23:08:39
  • GT Voice: Australia's 'security anxiety' toward China unwarranted

    Despite the challenges posed by so-called security issues in recent years, pragmatic cooperation has always been essential for the continued advance of China-Australia relations.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/2 21:36:42
  • GT Voice: Room grows for China, India to cooperate on green energy

    India's capital recorded an all-time high temperature of more than 52 C on Wednesday, according to the India Meteorological Department. It was the highest temperature ever recorded in India.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/30 23:25:49
  • GT Voice: China-Africa amity won't be undermined by West's smears

    It is common to see Western media outlets repeatedly smear China's cooperation with Africa, falsely claiming that its investments are primarily focused on gaining control of key minerals in the region. But this biased perspective fails to acknowledge the diverse and mutually beneficial nature of the economic partnership between China and Africa.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/29 23:40:23
  • GT Voice: Electric tricycles' popularity in US highlights allure of Chinese manufacturing

    The growing popularity of Chinese-made electric tricycles in the US has emerged as an interesting phenomenon in China-US trade. The number of orders placed by American consumers for Chinese-made electric tricycles on various e-commerce platforms has surged this year, according to a CCTV report.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/28 23:12:42
  • GT Voice: Deeper trade ties crucial for China, S.Korea to defy external pressure

    China and South Korea are increasingly recognizing the importance of enhancing cooperation to tackle external challenges together amid complex geopolitical pressures, particularly in light of the US attempts to "decouple" from China.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/27 23:44:19
  • GT Voice: Blue economy calls for active participation by Philippines

    Faced with the uncertainties and tensions brought about by maritime disputes and geopolitical rivalry, it is more important than ever for China and ASEAN to jointly promote cooperation in the area of the blue economy, especially in the South China Sea. This will not only help de-escalate tensions in the region but also create better conditions for pursuing sustainable economic development.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/26 23:36:59