China bound to achieve 2nd centennial goal under CPC leadership: Russian envoy after leading 60-diplomat visit to CPC museum
Published: Jul 05, 2021 10:30 PM
Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov (center) and another 59 diplomats from the Russian Embassy in China visit the Museum of the Communist Party of China on Monday. Photo: cnsphotos

Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov (center) and another 59 diplomats from the Russian Embassy in China visit the Museum of the Communist Party of China on July 5. Photo: cnsphotos

Sixty diplomats from the Russian Embassy in Beijing led by Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov visited the Museum of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Monday following CPC centennial celebrations on Thursday.

Analysts told the Global Times on Monday that such a ceremonious visit not only reflects the two country's close friendship, but also shows Russia's recognition of the achievements of the CPC. 

Denisov told the Global Times on Monday after visiting the museum that he is "very happy" to visit the museum for the second time and hopes there will be a third and fourth time because the museum has "a lot of interesting things" to look at. "I was pleasantly surprised to see myself in several photographs [in the museum]," he said.

The museum features unique documents, photographs and videos, telling about the history of the formation and development of the CPC. Some of the halls show photographs dedicated to the development of relations between China and Russia.

"It is important for Russian diplomats to know China in depth. We learned about the great story of the establishment of the CPC and its development, which is a crucial part of modern Chinese history," Egorov Georgy, press officer of the Russian Embassy, told the Global Times on Monday.

Yang Jin, an associate research fellow at the Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Monday that "Through the visit, the two countries' governments would have deeper mutual understandings, which is beneficial for bilateral cooperation and development."

At the 9th World Peace Forum hosted on Sunday in Tsinghua University, Denisov defended China and the CPC when a foreign diplomat accused the CPC of imposing its own ideology on others. 

"If somebody gives me just one example of CPC imposing its ideology on anybody outside Chinese borders, I will be very grateful," he said. 

Photo: Courtesy of the Russian Embassy in China

Photo: Courtesy of the Russian Embassy in China

China and Russia are witnessing stronger ties when the US is trying to unite its allies to pursue unilateralism and confrontation in the world. 

Alexander Lukin, head of Department of International Relations at Higher School of Economics in Moscow, told the Global Times that American politicians thought they could still control the world and punish those who do not conform to their position. "Their policy of pressure and containment has only stimulated the coordination between Russia and China, and made their strategic partnership stronger," he said. 

"Russia-China relations are developing in all areas. There is no sphere of relations in which our cooperation would not develop. Our relations are characterized by mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual consideration of each other's interests. This is the essence of our current relationship," Denisov noted.

The ambassador told the Global Times that he also attended the celebrations in Tian'anmen Square on July 1 and listened to the speech made by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission.

"The next goal is 2049, the PRC's centennial, and I have no doubt about the tasks the Party sets for the country, and what the General Secretary sets for the Party will be fulfilled," said the ambassador.

On July 16, China and Russia will also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. The two countries agreed to extend the friendship treaty on June 28 when President Xi held a video meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.