Jilin's education authority releases investigation results on medical student's on-campus death; teacher's qualification revoked
Published: Apr 19, 2024 12:18 AM
Photo: Screenshot of Weibo video

Photo: Screenshot of Weibo video

The death of a medical student on campus in Baicheng city, Northeast China's Jilin Province, due to a heart attack has drawn public concern, with online speculation suggesting misconduct by the student's school counselor contributed to her death.

The Education Department of Jilin Province released the investigation results on Thursday, announcing the revoking of the teacher's qualification.

The female student, surnamed Zhao, a freshman from Baicheng Medical College, died on Sunday despite two days of medical treatment, after she suffered a fatal heart attack during morning exercise last Friday on campus.

There was widespread speculation that she was forced by her school counselor, surnamed Song, to participate in the morning exercises, despite being exempted due to a diagnosed congenital heart disease.

Zhao's parents accused Song of asking for gifts, including live fish, from Zhao. However, the fish were found dead upon arrival, allegedly causing Song's discontent and leading him to force Zhao to participate in morning exercises, netizens revealed online.

According to the investigation results, Zhao collapsed before the start of morning exercises. Song promptly checked the situation and took first aid measures. Emergency services were called, but Zhao died in the hospital on Sunday.

The local authority confirmed Zhao's congenital heart disease diagnosis in 2017. She had applied for exemption from physical fitness tests, which Song and the college had approved.

Despite the exemption, Zhao often assisted teachers in roll call and participated in some exercises. She had gifted Song fish, which he accepted.

Based on these findings, Song's teaching qualification was revoked, and he was removed from his counseling position. He also faced disciplinary action as a Party member.

The provincial education authority ordered the college to reflect deeply on the matter and pledged to strengthen teachers' ethics and conduct codes.