Video >> Hu Says

The truth-seeking spirit of American public opinion has short-circuited in Xinjiang issue

A border conflict is looming due to the Indian side's misjudgment and repeated provocations

The US is crossing the bottom line of developed countries with its treatment of Chinese people

US embassy & consulates are elements of strong proactivity in certain sensitive matters in China

Absolutely no possibility the US military could defeat the PLA in the Taiwan Straits

Regardless of whether Trump or Biden is elected, China-US relations won't take a sharp turn

The real risk to South China Sea is China-US military frictions

The main reason behind US' hardline stance on China is a change in strategic thinking

US' approval of plasma therapy for Covid-19 is not subject to enough scientific scrutiny

Politics trumping the law is a tragedy for US as a country under "rule of the law"

Most Chinese will see Cai Xia as a traitor

The essence of China's restraint is self-confidence, not timidity