GT Voice
The DPP authorities in China's Taiwan region seem to be making a fresh push to expand military collusion with the US under the guise of “trade and economic partnership,” but it is an extremely dangerous approach.
By Global Times | 2024/7/11 22:36:37
  • GT Voice: Yuan going global to support economy, not replace others

    Despite the progress made in the internationalization of the Chinese yuan, it is crucial for China to maintain a clear perspective on the financial fluctuations and risks behind the hype over de-dollarization.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/10 22:25:00
  • GT Voice: US protectionism won't shake China's edge in shipbuilding

    Despite challenges posed by Washington's increasing protectionism, China's shipbuilding industry has already established a strong foundation for sustainable growth. This suggests that the growth momentum of Chinese manufacturing will not be hindered.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/9 21:46:49
  • GT Voice: US intervention in Congo deal highlights need for China to secure mineral cooperation

    The US appears to be increasing its intervention in African countries to restrict the operations of Chinese mining companies, highlighting the need for China to secure a stable supply chain for critical minerals through enhanced collaboration with alternative mineral suppliers.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/8 22:21:56
  • GT Voice: Apart from talent, what else does China-India trade need?

    The Indian government is considering granting visas to Chinese workers for some strategic sectors to address the skill gap, boost domestic manufacturing, and drive technological advancement, VOA Chinese reported on Saturday.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/7 22:43:58
  • GT Voice: EU's EV tariffs won't diminish China's appeal to foreign firms

    Despite the potential trade barriers and uncertainty caused by the EU's tariffs on foreign electric vehicle (EV) makers in China, including Tesla, China's advantages in terms of both market and manufacturing capacity will continue to position it as a crucial component of the global strategy for foreign automakers.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/4 21:37:15
  • GT Voice: China's AI development breaks US hegemony, offers global benefits

    China's AI progress through independent innovation and international cooperation not only continuously overcomes US technological barriers but also has a positive impact on a global scale.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/3 22:56:12
  • GT Voice: Concern over new trade war weighs on US farmers again

    Regardless of the outcome of the US election, the stance of Chinese soybean importers toward the US' trade war with China has always been clear and firm. If the new administration of the US chooses to continue or escalate the trade war, it is possible that US soybean exports could be affected.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/2 22:21:23
  • GT Voice: Chip data show resilience of China-SK trade cooperation

    While US chip bans on China have posed a challenge to the latter's cooperation with South Korea, it doesn't necessarily indicate a lack of hope for bilateral collaboration in key technology areas.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/1 22:25:21
  • GT Voice: Euro 2024 an epitome of win-win China-EU cooperation

    Euro 2024, to some extent, offers a window to observe the resilience of economic cooperation between China and the EU. We hope EU politicians can listen to rational voices, abandon zero-sum mentality, and push bilateral EV-related cooperation back on track. The EU side needs to show sportsmanship toward Chinese companies.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/30 21:53:31
  • GT Voice: EU risks losing opportunities by mimicking US on EV tariffs

    The imposition of steep extra tariffs by the US on EVs from China has sparked a chain reaction of protectionism in the emerging sector, reshaping the global auto industry by impacting not only Chinese automakers but European ones too.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/27 22:56:48
  • GT Voice: China-Poland EV cooperation calls for EU to rethink tariffs

    The collaboration between China and some EU members in EV investment not only underscores their shared interest and opportunities in this sector, but also serves as a reminder of the vast potential that exists in the investment cooperation between China and the EU.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/26 23:41:38
  • GT Voice: S.Korean plant fire a painful lesson, calls for safety probe

    The lithium battery factory fire in South Korea, which tragically claimed the lives of 17 Chinese nationals, is not just a sudden accident. It also serves as a stark reminder of the importance of protecting the rights and safety of Chinese workers abroad.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/25 21:41:31
  • GT Voice: Complementarity keeps driving China-Vietnam economic ties

    The ongoing trend of industrial chain connectivity and collaboration between China and Vietnam is expected to persist despite any external influences, due to significant complementarity between the two countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/24 22:48:31
  • GT Voice: Linking China-EU trade ties to Ukraine crisis unreasonable, risky

    China is neither a creator of, nor a party to, the Ukraine crisis, so it is totally untenable and unreasonable to put China-EU trade issues in the context of the Ukraine crisis.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/23 21:57:36
  • GT Voice: Who brings China and EU to brink of spiraling into a dangerous trade row?

    After the EU announced extra duties on imported Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), Olof Gill, European Commission Spokesperson for Trade told media that China was free to initiate dispute settlement proceedings against the EU through the World Trade Organization (WTO), but there was "no need to take any retaliatory measures." Such logic is absurd.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/21 17:24:36
  • GT Voice: China's energy transition drives tech, infrastructure development

    China's energy consumption and utilization of renewable energy are driving significant shifts in the global energy landscape, highlighting both advances and challenges in the country's energy usage and climate change initiatives.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/20 23:18:13
  • GT Voice: Crucial for China, EU to find balance amid tariff tensions

    It is crucial for China-EU economic and trade relations to find a balance through dialogue in order to effectively address the concerns of both sides. This is also why Habeck's reported visit to China is expected to carry particular weight in China-EU economic relations.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/19 23:41:56
  • GT Voice: Time for pragmatism to guide China-Australia economic ties

    It is hard-won progress as China-Australia economic relations have been gradually set back on track through joint efforts, but it is not yet time to be complacent and stop moving forward. It is necessary for both sides to step up economic cooperation in different areas.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/18 21:32:36
  • GT Voice: UK's concern over badges made in China becomes political farce

    Delayed badge manufacturing not only exposes the over-sensitivity and paranoia of some in the UK, but also reflects the unwarranted suspicion and mistrust of Chinese-made products in the face of increasing anti-globalization sentiment in certain Western countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/17 22:45:42
  • GT Voice: Will Chinese car brands break into world's top 10 sellers?

    Trade barriers, market access restrictions and other challenges have the potential to affect the competitiveness of Chinese EVs in Western markets. Despite these hurdles, it is not unattainable for Chinese car brands to further boost their global sales and competitiveness.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/16 21:38:01
  • GT Voice: Chinese EV firms won't be deterred by EU trade hurdles

    While the impact of the EU's preliminary ruling on the anti-subsidy investigation of Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) remains unclear, the market's response has surprisingly tilted toward optimism regarding the future of Chinese EV manufacturers in Europe.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/13 23:03:25
  • GT Voice: Unilateral sanctions pose a danger for Japan's economy

    Citing sources close to the Japanese government, Japan's public broadcaster NHK reported on Wednesday that Japan is considering imposing new sanctions on companies, including Chinese ones, that are suspected of supplying materials to Russia that can be used by Moscow's military.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/12 22:27:33
  • GT Voice: EU should avoid protectionism to attract Chinese investments

    The EU's ability to rely on market mechanisms to address challenges is crucial for the future of its auto industry and serves as a test of European economic competitiveness and innovation.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/11 20:30:29
  • GT Voice: US has no right to interfere in China-Russia financial synergy

    Cooperation between China and Russia in the financial sector is a positive asset for the continuous advance of the global financial system amid uncertainties, and will continue to bring new vitality to the world economy.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/10 21:42:56
  • GT Voice: New US tariffs on China will slow cuts to global emissions

    Washington's decision to increase tariffs on Chinese new-energy products has clearly hindered global efforts to reduce emissions. The policy not only goes against the trend of international cooperation in combating climate change but also exposes the shortsighted and self-serving nature of US politicians in addressing global issues.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/5 22:33:52
  • GT Voice: EU trade policy needs to be free of Washington's influence

    Despite lingering concerns about potential trade friction with China over electric vehicles in Europe, there is a growing awareness among the business community that the root of the rise in protectionism and trade hostility actually lies in the US, not China.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/4 22:10:52
  • GT Voice: Multifaceted approach needed to boost India's factory sector

    While India's large population has long been viewed as a potential advantage for its promising economic outlook, how to transform the demographic opportunity into a demographic dividend is a challenge it will have to address to become a global manufacturing hub.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/3 23:08:39
  • GT Voice: Australia's 'security anxiety' toward China unwarranted

    Despite the challenges posed by so-called security issues in recent years, pragmatic cooperation has always been essential for the continued advance of China-Australia relations.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/2 21:36:42
  • GT Voice: Room grows for China, India to cooperate on green energy

    India's capital recorded an all-time high temperature of more than 52 C on Wednesday, according to the India Meteorological Department. It was the highest temperature ever recorded in India.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/30 23:25:49
  • GT Voice: China-Africa amity won't be undermined by West's smears

    It is common to see Western media outlets repeatedly smear China's cooperation with Africa, falsely claiming that its investments are primarily focused on gaining control of key minerals in the region. But this biased perspective fails to acknowledge the diverse and mutually beneficial nature of the economic partnership between China and Africa.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/29 23:40:23
  • GT Voice: Electric tricycles' popularity in US highlights allure of Chinese manufacturing

    The growing popularity of Chinese-made electric tricycles in the US has emerged as an interesting phenomenon in China-US trade. The number of orders placed by American consumers for Chinese-made electric tricycles on various e-commerce platforms has surged this year, according to a CCTV report.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/28 23:12:42
  • GT Voice: Deeper trade ties crucial for China, S.Korea to defy external pressure

    China and South Korea are increasingly recognizing the importance of enhancing cooperation to tackle external challenges together amid complex geopolitical pressures, particularly in light of the US attempts to "decouple" from China.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/27 23:44:19
  • GT Voice: Blue economy calls for active participation by Philippines

    Faced with the uncertainties and tensions brought about by maritime disputes and geopolitical rivalry, it is more important than ever for China and ASEAN to jointly promote cooperation in the area of the blue economy, especially in the South China Sea. This will not only help de-escalate tensions in the region but also create better conditions for pursuing sustainable economic development.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/26 23:36:59
  • GT Voice: Manila faces choice: regional cooperation or US-led rivalry

    The Philippines appears to be standing at a critical crossroads in its economic development, facing significant and intricate choices that will not only shape the country's economic future but also have implications for the regional economic landscape.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/23 23:12:42
  • GT Voice: EU shouldn't fall for US claims on China's clean-energy industry

    The US aims to portray China's clean-energy industry as a shared threat to its European partners. However, attempting to convince Europe to back US economic pressure on China could jeopardize Europe's strategic independence.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/22 21:27:42
  • GT Voice: Global cooperation key as China's EV producers face protectionism

    Despite the challenges posed by anti-globalization sentiment, Chinese electric vehicle makers are persevering in their efforts to navigate toward the greatest common divisor on cooperation.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/21 23:08:22
  • GT Voice: Unwise for Taiwan to base economic stability on US

    It is not uncommon to see Western media outlets playing up the Taiwan island's economic ties with the US. Nevertheless, the recent increase in US-Taiwan investment and trade could pose significant challenges for Taiwan's economy in the future.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/20 22:14:32
  • GT Voice: India needs a balance between protectionism and economy

    While the “national security filter” rhetoric may be framed as a way to support Indian products and the “Make in India” initiative, it is ultimately a protectionist call driven by nationalist sentiments.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/19 20:24:28
  • GT Voice: Russia's energy pivot toward East injects new vitality to regional economy

    Through the expansion of infrastructure construction, the focus of Russia's external economic partnerships and regional growth is gradually shifting toward the East, with the goal of tapping into diverse export markets in the Asia-Pacific region.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/16 21:57:07
  • GT Voice: Russian Far East holds potential to cooperate with Heilongjiang

    The eighth China-Russia Expo serves as a significant platform for fostering economic exchanges. In particular, leveraging the expo cooperation mechanism has the potential to breathe new life into Heilongjiang's collaboration with Russia's Far East.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/15 23:26:29
  • GT Voice: Innovative ways needed to move China-Japan-S.Korea trilateral cooperation forward

    While external forces have complicated relations among China, Japan and South Korea, the new challenges facing regional economic development have also spurred them to seek new avenues for cooperation.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/14 22:43:37
  • GT Voice: India's ambitions can foster complementarity with China

    There has been no shortage of pessimism regarding economic and trade relations between China and India, as Chinese companies are bearing the brunt of the most severe crackdown due to India's tendency to generalize security issues in its China trade policy. However, the latest data may indicate a different trend, serving as a reminder not to overlook the complementary strengths of both economies.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/13 22:35:37
  • GT Voice: China-Russia trade has strong resilience, offers huge potential

    With long-arm jurisdiction, Washington may try to drive a wedge to disrupt economic cooperation not only between China and Russia, but also between China and other countries and regions. This hegemonic approach has seriously disrupted the global trade order.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/12 22:30:36
  • GT Voice: US dilemma on Vietnam shows obstacles to China 'decoupling'

    A public hearing hosted on Wednesday by the US Commerce Department on whether to designate Vietnam as a "market economy" laid bare the dilemma facing the US in its efforts to contain Chinese manufacturing and seek "decoupling" from China.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/9 22:10:02
  • GT Voice: Cambodia canal part of larger regional connectivity progress

    The real significance of the Techo Funan Canal project lies not only in its demonstration of the strong collaboration between China and Cambodia, but also in its reflection of the broader trend of regional economic integration.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/8 22:31:51
  • GT Voice: Success of China-France farm trade may offer lessons for US

    The successful experience of China and France in tapping the potential of their complementarities in agricultural trade may offer valuable lessons for China-US agricultural trade amid the complex environment.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/7 22:22:06
  • GT Voice: Probe of China's shipyards sign of American peers' bleak future

    The Biden administration seems to see cracking down on the Chinese shipbuilding industry as a panacea for struggling US shipyards. However, isn't the idea of forcing China to take the medicine for what ails the US further evidence of the bleak future of the American shipbuilding sector?

    By Global Times | 2024/5/6 23:18:34
  • GT Voice: Complementarity key driver of China-France economic ties

    At a time when Western media outlets have focused on the potential trade dispute between China and the EU, the attention on how China-France economic and trade relations will gain new momentum for further development has increased significantly.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/5 23:07:26
  • GT Voice: Collapse of US regional bank raises red flag for big shocks

    One year after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and several other US lenders, another regional bank has crumbled, reigniting concerns about the adverse impact of the US Federal Reserve's monetary tightening.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/29 0:00:08
  • GT Voice: BRI offers bridge to prosperity in western region of China

    As China shifts up a gear in the development of its vast western region, which covers more than 70 percent of the country's landmass, China will further open its economy and share its quality resources, such as the market, with the world, so as to build mutually beneficial cooperation. In this process, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will establish an effective platform to meet the development needs of the world.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/28 23:45:37
  • GT Voice: Weakening yen sends signal of danger to central banks

    Many Asian currencies have been hit this year by the strength of the US dollar, and it seems especially so for the Japanese currency. The yen hit a fresh 34-year low against the dollar on Thursday. This added to market pessimism, which had already been exacerbated by the recent depreciation of the currency.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/25 23:47:18
  • GT Voice: Xinjiang's green devt experience valuable to Western economies

    Xinjiang's leading position in the new-energy field can be concrete evidence showcasing China's efforts to maintain stability, promote economic development and enhance livelihoods in the region.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/24 23:33:15
  • GT Voice: West should invest more in clean energy, discard paranoia

    While the West has become critical of China's efforts in promoting the green energy sector, there is also a growing awareness that it needs to take action and invest more money and resources in clean energy.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/23 22:29:10
  • GT Voice: West's overcapacity narratives can't define China's cooperation with developing nations

    The West's growing tendency to label China as having overcapacity is based on groundless accusations and does not hold water. China's cooperation with developing nations cannot be defined by Western narratives.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/22 23:33:06
  • GT Voice: US bill on seizure of Russian assets to undermine finance

    If the 21st Century Peace through Strength Act, which would empower the US executive branch to seize and transfer frozen Russian assets held in the country to Ukraine, ultimately becomes law and goes into effect, it will set a disastrous precedent against the existing international financial order.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/21 21:42:18
  • GT Voice: US tariffs futile in attempt to contain China's steel industry

    US President Joe Biden on Wednesday called for steep hikes in tariffs on steel and aluminum products from China. US tariffs may weigh on Chinese steel imports, but are futile in containing China's steel industry.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/18 23:53:53
  • GT Voice: Blaming China misses point of tackling US fentanyl crisis

    It appears easier for politicians in Washington to shift the blame onto China for the US fentanyl crisis. Perhaps because by misleading the public, they can avoid responsibility for failing to take really effective but difficult measures to combat the crisis.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/17 23:57:14
  • GT Voice: Protectionism can't solve EU's weak competitiveness in solar

    European governments appear to be ready to move to support their solar power manufacturers this week, but Europe's solar industry is in trouble - not just due to a lack of policy support but also because of flawed competitiveness.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/16 22:11:53
  • GT Voice: To reassure Chinese investors, Philippines needs to do more

    If the Philippines wants to reassure Chinese companies about investing in the country, it may need to take tangible steps to mitigate risks for Chinese investors, rather than just providing optimistic rhetoric.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/15 23:20:05
  • GT Voice: Economic impact of escalating Middle East conflict multiplies

    With the Middle East conflict escalating following Iran's attack on Israel early on Sunday, fears are mounting that another series of destructive shockwaves will reverberate through global markets.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/14 22:01:19
  • GT Voice: Complementarity can support economic ties with Germany

    With German Chancellor Olaf Scholz about to embark on his second official visit to China, renewed excitement has been sparked for the potential of enhanced economic and trade collaboration between China and Germany.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/11 22:24:16
  • GT Voice: China able to defend yuan amid 'financial storm' of strong dollar

    If the liquidity squeeze of the US dollar continues amid high interest rates, it may be necessary for global financial markets – particularly, foreign exchange markets – to prepare for another storm caused by a strong dollar.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/10 22:49:03
  • GT Voice: Potential US green trade war against China will harm its own economy, consumption

    While Yellen again explicitly stated that the US doesn't seek to decouple from China, the tough message she conveyed during the visit inevitably raised global concerns over a potential green trade war.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/9 21:58:00
  • GT Voice: China-Russia trade can withstand escalating pressure from the West

    With escalating Western sanctions on Russia, how China-Russia economic and trade cooperation will be affected has become a topic of concern. Against this backdrop, the Russian foreign minister's latest visit to China is being closely watched.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/8 22:05:43
  • GT Voice: China remains vital for German firms despite rising competition

    Some Western media outlets are keen to hype competition faced by Volkswagen in the China market, but this is not the whole story. The German carmaker remains by far a giant in China's car market. Despite fierce competition, China is still a key market for German enterprises.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/7 22:19:31
  • GT Voice: Western quake coverage points to hollowing-out of Taiwan economy

    The 7.3 magnitude earthquake that hit Taiwan has triggered Western media hype about the vulnerability of global chip supplies, a microcosm of the mounting pressure on the region's chipmaking industry to move out of the island.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/6 21:47:35
  • GT Voice: China remains safe haven amid fears of US rate cut

    The world's gold market is experiencing an unprecedented surge as prices soar to record highs, propelled by increasing bets for US monetary easing and gold's appeal as a safe haven asset. The frenzy in safe haven assets reflects rising uncertainty in the global market and anxiety shared by investors. Such worries should by no means be underestimated.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/1 23:45:14
  • GT Voice: Slow progress in US charging stations endangers climate change targets

    The US government is full of ambitious plans when it comes to developing its own EV industry. Yet, when politicians tout America's economic and technological prowess, they often overlook a crucial factor, that is, the low efficiency of infrastructure construction.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/1 22:13:37
  • GT Voice: India's ultra-rich are growing, a worrying sign of inequality

    In the face of the widening wealth gap, the increased number of Indian billionaires suggests that as more resources and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a few, it is harder for ordinary people to share the dividends of economic development.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/31 23:21:03
  • GT Voice: Scapegoating China won't resolve US economic woes

    Putting all the blame on China for economic problems in the US seems like an easy way for the Biden administration to pass the buck. However, the more that people in the US blame China, the fewer are actually working on a real solution. This is why the growing US tendency to shift blame onto Chinese manufacturing is a concerning sign.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/28 22:01:16
  • GT Voice: Rutte visit is rare chance to improve mutual understanding

    The significance of Mark Rutte's visit should not be solely focused on the chip sector, as it actually presents a unique opportunity for China and the Netherlands to enhance their mutual understanding in terms of potential economic and trade cooperation.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/27 23:52:32
  • Sri Lanka needs cooperation, not conspiracy theories, to resolve debt

    Ahead of Sri Lankan Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena's visit to China, which began on Monday and continues through Saturday, foreign media outlets have again hyped the so-called "debt trap" theory, but such an outrageous lie is not beneficial for the Sri Lankan economy.

    By Hu Weijia | 2024/3/26 22:23:10
  • GT Voice: Battery partnership provides mutual benefits for Chinese, US companies

    At a time when some in Washington persist in protectionist measures, the latest partnership between CATL and Tesla is a refreshing case that exemplifies the mutual benefits stemming from technological and industrial development in both countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/26 20:42:57
  • GT Voice: Nascent Indian EV sector has far to go, excluding China won't help

    It is ironic that some Indian elites seem oblivious to the significant gap between the state of the Indian industry and their lofty EV target. Instead of addressing this disparity, they appear obsessed with the idea of excluding China from India's EV supply chain.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/25 23:14:16
  • GT Voice: Additional investment in China crucial for S.Korean chipmakers

    Under the current complicated backdrop of mounting US pressure on South Korea and other countries to isolate China from the global semiconductor supply chain, South Korean chipmaker SK Hynix's latest remarks deserve attention as a window to observe the growing importance of the Chinese market for global semiconductor companies.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/24 21:37:24
  • GT Voice: US criticism of Microsoft shows ignorance of global procedures

    Some US politicians have fallen to new lows by obstructing normal economic exchanges between China and the US, and now they're even going so far as to point a finger at American companies for their lawful operations in China.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/21 23:14:57
  • GT Voice: Aligning with US on cranes will threaten Canada's own interests

    It is not uncommon for Canada to align itself with the US on matters concerning China. However, such political posturing may not only strain economic and trade relations between China and Canada, but also jeopardize Canada's own economic interests.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/20 22:41:19
  • GT Voice: More efforts needed to resolve China-Australia trade disputes

    While the continuous improvement of China-Australia relations has created more opportunities and possibilities for the settlement of trade disputes, accumulated problems in economic and trade areas still require joint efforts from both sides.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/19 23:05:02
  • GT Voice: Objective view of Chinese economy crucial amid rising world uncertainty

    Will the Chinese economy collapse because of the property problem? Western media outlets have appeared very concerned about this issue, which is affecting the world's objective and accurate view of the Chinese economy. Looking at the latest data and recent policies, we can confidently tell all those concerned about China's economy that the real estate sector may pose a problem, but it won't cause a collapse.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/18 22:07:48
  • GT Voice: German cooperation with SE Asia won't replace China's role

    Germany has shown a growing interest in strengthening economic ties with Southeast Asia. It is crucial that this cooperation is based on mutual benefits and win-win outcomes, rather than being driven by political agendas that could lead to a split of supply and industrial chains connected to China.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/17 20:59:01
  • GT Voice: US protectionism against China hurts own domestic EV industry

    At a time when the global electric vehicle (EV) industry is likely to be taken by the protectionism storm, it is encouraging to see someone from the European auto industry to speak out for the necessity of competition for the development of the EV industry.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/14 20:30:07
  • GT Voice: Blaming China 'self-deception' for US industries, not a solution

    US unions appear to be seeking measures to help the American shipbuilding industry and its workers, but they are actually deceiving themselves in targeting China. This only reflects their anxiety over the lack of a solution to boost domestic manufacturing.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/13 23:06:53
  • GT Voice: Risky, short-sighted for Manila to rely on US in SCS energy search

    Regardless of the Philippines' real intentions behind its plans to invite external forces into energy exploration in the South China Sea, the prerequisite is that it cannot harm China's interests.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/12 22:37:28
  • GT Voice: Positive trend requires efforts by both China and Australia

    With China and Australia making significant efforts to repair their relations, the warming-up of bilateral economic and trade ties is expected to lead to the settlement of more trade disputes, which is hard-earned and needs to be cherished by both sides.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/11 0:02:06
  • GT Voice: WSJ's 'China collapse theory' doomed to collapse yet again

    Why shouldn't people trust The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports on China's economy? Because if they do, then they are likely to fall into a cognitive trap that often leads to wrong judgment, missing out on the opportunity to benefit from China's growth dividends.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/7 23:25:29
  • GT Voice: Does China's economy need stronger stimulus to hit growth target?

    Simply measuring China's stimulus for economic growth in terms of the deficit ratio is clearly a misunderstanding of the economy. The ultimate goal of policies is to support a targeted economic transformation and effectively stabilize growth.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/6 23:21:59
  • GT Voice: Politicians' bias against Chinese EVs foretells Tesla's challenges

    The recent slump in Tesla's shares has raised concerns about its challenges, which come from both increasing market competition and American politicians' irresponsible rhetoric about Chinese electric vehicles.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/5 23:09:47
  • GT Voice: Western slander won't put China off its economic stride

    During China's two sessions, much attention is often paid to the country's GDP growth target. However, it is crucial to look beyond the numbers and understand the implications of new policies and measures to address economic challenges.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/4 23:04:59
  • GT Voice: Can Germany escape narrative trap of 'natl security' on TikTok?

    TikTok is in the spotlight once again, as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was quoted by media outlets as saying that he wants the government to open an account on the Chinese video-sharing app. It is hoped that Western economies can take this as a chance to promote positive interactions with TikTok and foster a fair, transparent and predictable environment for Chinese companies.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/3 22:07:44
  • GT Voice: State secrets law revision not in conflict with opening-up

    China's efforts to improve its laws and regulations to safeguard national security will not be in conflict with its push to promote further opening-up, and an updated legal system could even play a more active role in providing a safer environment for foreign investment.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/29 23:38:34
  • GT Voice: BYD localization push in Europe shows potential for EV synergy

    Despite the growing protectionist climate in Europe, the Chinese and European EV industry chains don't necessarily have to resort to confrontation. There is still potential to further strengthen cooperation.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/28 23:19:07
  • GT Voice: US technology blockades send worrying signal for innovation

    The growing US obsession with technological blockades against China may actually be a manifestation of a lack of confidence in its own development, which is why it has opted to use blockades and sanctions to maintain its technological advantages and hegemony.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/27 23:18:22
  • GT Voice: Chinese battery manufacturing must be based on high standards

    Given the rapid development of vehicles using lithium-ion batteries in China, there is increasing urgency for stricter and higher standards for the country's battery manufacturing sector.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/26 22:44:29
  • GT Voice: Including Chinese, Indian firms in Russia sanctions unreasonable

    At the second anniversary of the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is both disheartening and worrying for the global economy to witness the West once more intensifying sanctions against Russia and even extending them to third countries, rather than reflecting on and acknowledging the past mistakes and economic perils associated with the indiscriminate use of sanctions.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/25 22:30:39
  • GT Voice: WTO reform can't be another tool of US trade protectionism

    Even the most optimistic observers have to acknowledge that as the WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) draws closer, there is still no sign of any concrete breakthrough for the WTO reforms. The MC13 is scheduled to take place next week in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/22 22:58:54
  • GT Voice: Fed uncertainty won't affect expectations for China's policy

    With financial markets once again facing uncertainty about the Fed's rate policy, China is moving at its own pace to provide certainty for market expectations, which not only highlights the flexibility of China's monetary policy, but also reflects its ability to stabilize confidence.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/21 23:27:26
  • GT Voice: EU probe of TikTok needs to steer clear of ideological bias

    It seems that the EU is cementing its leadership as the primary regulator of tech giants, but to truly uphold fair digital competition and safeguard internet users from illegal online content, it needs to eliminate ideological bias in policy decisions concerning Chinese companies like TikTok.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/20 23:01:40
  • GT Voice: EV transition woes show US mistakes in obstructing China

    When the world is grappling with climate change challenges, the possibility of a slower transition to EVs in the US doesn't bode well, as it is a sign of the dilemma for American automakers in promoting EVs.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/19 22:41:49
  • GT Voice: US promises to Pacific islands could be simply 'pie in the sky'

    Despite US concerns about China's growing cooperation with Pacific Island Countries, China's stance and actions of helping those countries achieve social stability and economic development won't be affected by geopolitical interference.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/18 21:27:11
  • GT Voice: Western pressure on VW won't obstruct Xinjiang manufacturing

    Whether or not Volkswagen can withstand the new wave of Western pressure, it won't stop China from strengthening and consolidating Xinjiang's manufacturing edge for the purpose of the region's prosperity and stability.

    By Global Times | 2024/2/17 22:16:48