Qaid Farhan Alkadi, a hostage rescued by Israeli forces, is seen on a helicopter during an operation to release him from southern Gaza, on Aug. 27, 2024. Israeli forces said Tuesday they have rescued the 52-year-old hostage from the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Xinhua)
Qaid Farhan Alkadi, a hostage rescued from the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces, arrives at a medical center in Beer Sheva, southern Israel, on Aug. 27, 2024. Israeli forces said Tuesday they have rescued the 52-year-old hostage from the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Xinhua)
Qaid Farhan Alkadi, a hostage rescued from the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces, arrives at a medical center in Beer Sheva, southern Israel, on Aug. 27, 2024. Israeli forces said Tuesday they have rescued the 52-year-old hostage from the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Xinhua)
A helicopter carrying Qaid Farhan Alkadi, a hostage rescued from the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces, arrives at a medical center in Beer Sheva, southern Israel, on Aug. 27, 2024. Israeli forces said Tuesday they have rescued the 52-year-old hostage from the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Xinhua)