Liu Rui
Cartoonist, Beijing
Liu Rui has been a cartoonist for Global Times since 2003. She is interested in political cartoons and illustrations.
  • Destroyed from within

    As election competition becomes increasingly fierce, the current political polarization in the US has become more worrying for the world.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/25 20:20:43
  • Advocating for peace

    Representatives of 14 Palestinian factions signed the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity, historically announcing the end of division and the strengthening of Palestinian unity.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/24 20:43:24
  • Confined

    As long as dollar hegemony still exists, the global economy is subject to US arbitrariness driven by jealousy, greed and selfishness.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/23 22:32:37
  • In harmony

    With the Olympics approaching, high-quality goods made in China are being rapidly shipped to Paris.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/22 21:03:51
  • In denial

    The US ignores multiple domestic challenges such as inflation, debt and wealth gap while persistently touting the inevitably doomed "China economic collapse" theory.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/21 21:27:24
  • Living off crises

    NATO's pursuit of "globalization accelerates its failure

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/11 22:42:48
  • Destroying nature

    Philippine illegally 'grounded' warship caused shocking serious marine pollution in the South China Sea

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/10 20:12:00
  • Breaking apart

    The party struggle is spreading across the US, triggering worries about a "civil war"

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/9 20:29:56
  • Blatant falsehood

    The US smears China with the "Volt Typhoon" cyber threat narrative.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/8 20:55:37
  • Threatening peace

    Who is the disruptor of regional peace and stability?

    By Liu Rui | 2024/7/7 19:49:26
  • Harsh reality

    Extreme weather events have been occurring with increasing frequency worldwide, exceeding the control of any single nation.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/30 20:04:55
  • Cashing in

    NASA provided the password "China" to the US Congress.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/27 19:26:41
  • Packed with chaos

    Another election is coming, and the American people are full of complaints.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/25 20:55:22
  • Total confusion

    While shouting for green transition on one hand, imposing additional tariffs on cars on the other hand, the European Union should not be greedy for temporary benefits and delay green cooperation between China and Europe.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/24 20:41:48
  • Wolf in sheep's clothing

    The US has never been a friend of the Ukrainians or the Filipinos. We do not like you. If we liked you, we would not treat you this way. We are using you, you are just a tool. When this tool is no longer useful, we will abandon you, usually after a war that leaves you devastated.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/23 19:48:34
  • The Pied Piper

    The US is playing its crooked tune again.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/18 19:57:24
  • Double-dealing

    To cease fire or to fire, that's never a question for the US.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/17 20:28:37
  • Trouble abound

    Can the G7 still steer the world toward good governance?

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/16 20:32:52
  • Covering up

    How did Japan "whitewash" its war crimes after World War II?

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/14 0:09:33
  • Bringing chaos

    The US has dragged the South China Sea region into a vortex of arms race.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/12 21:54:03
  • Crushed

    Japan government inspects Honda headquarters over vehicle test fraud and mazda

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/11 20:38:40
  • Turning right

    The EU elections have ended with a big increase in votes for far-right parties.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/10 21:14:13
  • Under threat

    To keep hunting whales, Japan now has a brand new "mothership".

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/5 19:47:23
  • Giant milestone

    World's first: Chang'e-6 collects samples from far side of the Moon

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/4 19:46:49
  • Ailing planet

    Global heat warning

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/3 20:31:39
  • Stirring up trouble

    The US is the real destabilizer in the Asia-Pacific.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/6/2 20:42:07
  • Endless exploitation

    The US military-industrial complex is devouring the interests of the American people.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/28 19:30:16
  • Inevitable outcome

    How long can the US dollar hegemony last before de-dollarization?

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/27 20:52:16
  • Falling apart

    American aircraft manufacturer Boeing has a long way to go in solving quality issues.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/26 20:05:01
  • Delivering death

    The temporary port constructed by the US in central Gaza was inaugurated on May 17, but Gaza residents indicated that it has not significantly alleviated the difficulties in transporting goods. The US claims to save us on one hand while killing us on the other, said Gaza residents.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/23 22:09:54
  • Bloody secrets

    British authorities and the public health service knowingly exposed tens of thousands of patients to deadly infections through contaminated blood and hid the truth for decades, media reported.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/22 20:54:50
  • Insatiable appetite

    After years of missed deadlines, the NATO's European members are expected to spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense in 2024.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/21 19:56:21
  • Militarizing space

    According to US media reports, the US military is implementing a new star wars plan, urgently expanding its space combat capabilities characterized by both offensive and defensive operations.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/20 20:25:54
  • The grip of addiction

    Every year, the vast number of illegal drugs circulating in American society claims the lives of tens of thousands of people.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/19 20:17:10
  • Political show

    The Philippines is making a political show in the South China Sea.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/16 22:45:19
  • Self-harm

    When the US raises tariffs on Chinese green technology products, it is harming itself.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/15 22:09:07
  • Destroying global economy

    The US continues to strengthen the existing hegemonic system centered around the US dollar.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/14 20:39:54
  • US-dominated international orders

    The so-called "rules-based international order" in the US is essentially "US-dominated international orders."

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/13 21:46:38
  • Abusing tariffs

    President Joe Biden is set to announce new China tariffs as soon as next week targeting EVs.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/12 20:19:15
  • Trapped

    UNICEF: Approximately 600,000 children in Raqqa are facing catastrophic risks.

    By Liu Rui | 2024/5/9 19:08:43